[CS LOUNGE] Pumpkin Spice, Apple Cider, and Everything Nice

It finally arrived. Can’t wait to try out the recipes.


I volunteer as tribute!!!


Going to Vegas for Thanksgiving?

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Yay! Mag’har Orcs were easy to unlock. Now my long deleted orc warrior can return.



I posted this on GD but I think I’ll post it here too

I was visiting a cafe out in the country this morning, about 40 miles east of Temple, Texas. It was Green Sausage Market and Cafe. A lot of farmers and older folk visit the place, as it has a good breakfast plate for about $6.

I came there to pick up an order of 5 dozen Kolaches, when I got there, the order wasn’t ready, they was on the racks cooling. So I grabbed a stool at the bar, sat down and ordered a cup of coffee. I looked over to my left there was a older black gentleman, must have been in his 70s. After some small talk, I come to find out he’s an avid Modern Warfare player. He was telling me his kill stories. We was laughing, having a good time.

Then I felt a tap at my shoulder, it was an another older gentleman with his wife. He sported a white Santa Claus beard, wearing blue denim overalls, the wife was wearing a house dress with a jacket. They must have been in their mid 60s.

He asked me. “Diablo, Hearthstone, World of Warcraft, or Overwatch?”

I looked at him, puzzled. I responded “World of Warcraft”

I large grin came over him “Ah! You play!”

“Yup, what faction?”

"Alliance, you?

I smiled “Horde”. We laughed, then the wife made the comment “Ew a Hordie”

It turned out the shirt I was wearing was my Blizzard T-Shirt with a giant Horde symbol on the front.

We just started talking about the game and how he met his wife.

Every few minutes, she would click her lips, give me the side eye and say “Horde”.

We had a good time chatting, then the the lady behind the counter had my order of Kolaches ready. I bid the couple “Safe Travels” and looked at the wife and said “For the Horde”, as I walked out the door.

Made my morning.


Looks like dave filioni is now the chris metzen sorry about the bad spelling of star wars.

He’s got one heck of a climb. He’s lost a lot of points from his fan base. Even more from the general SW fan base.

Doing our Thanksgiving today — most of the food is done.

Turkey is turked, pumpkin cheesecakes are caking, peas are simmering, stuffing is stuffed, corn is creamed, rolls are rising, cranberries are jelled, gravy is saucing, and we are TIRED.

Still waiting on son and his girlfriend to make it down from South Carolina.



I think hell do fine ive been satified with what hes put out its the fan base that needs a reality check sadly.

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Snicker if your racing to world first make sure you sub not about to expire someone on method found out the hard way.


I’ll agree to disagree on that…and leave it at that.

Seenah told me she’s officially retired as of today.
Yay! Now I can bug her because she has time for it.


I WISH. caught covid + influenza so i’m on quarantine


To people in the U.S


Happy Thanksgiving, all.

Lazy day here. Well, aside from a five mile walk this morning.

And I may have used up all my good luck for a bit - I got gear from every boss in Amidrassil LFR today.


Happy Turkey day for those that celebrate it


Well call her and say hi

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Hope you recover quickly.


Happy stuffed turkey day i have a pic that ill post later lol.