[CS LOUNGE] Pumpkin Spice, Apple Cider, and Everything Nice

It is an exciting feeling to get a realm first. Cannot imagine how much excitement one would get from a world first.


Or mythic taid kill thats dedication.

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I see we have a friendly monkey lurking around and visiting today. Hi Kalviery <3


The cavalry comes in the nick of time!


/sets out some :banana:


Just poking my head in :slight_smile: I really hope we can make those forum updates possible soon™. It’s been a wishlist item for a while but other things have taken priority and attention.

Umm…what else…
The Marvels is fun :partying_face:
Lots of new anime on Netflix :clap:
That last episode of Critical Role :astonished:


Looks like marvel found its reed richards and they had to go to a glalaxy far far away to recruit the mandalorian.

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Only in America could you stay in the most expensive hotel in the country free of charge if you can prove you have a solitary credit line of $1M or more. Insane.



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From what you said about them in another thread, they can’t come soon enough.

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that’s still rumours no?

First real day logging in to the new patch.
:ballot_box_with_check: Got my Pathfinder done - yay druid flight form again!
:ballot_box_with_check: Got all of the Emerald Dream questlines done up to the raid quest.
:ballot_box_with_check: Idly picked up several new druid forms along the way
:ballot_box_with_check: Got my fishy form. (Massive props to the player from Frostmourn who had a cleared raid instance they made available to folks to get that knocked out.)

Now that my main has things opened up for the rest of the collective, I can start all over again on another armor class.


Im not sure but it seems likely.

Quite a few different places reporting it, so here is hoping? (One, two, three, four - off the cuff.)


I was skeptical on the first i heard it but more sites were reporting it.

If centaurs have six limbs, does that mean they’re insects?

Also, I really hope they stay with John Krasinski.


Im pretty sure john was pure fan service and a one off.

John was suited for the role, surprisingly

Could be why the flies hang around. They think they’re family!

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Who knows at what stage of negotiation they are at, so it might not be a sure thing just yet.

I like Pascal, and I think he’d do a good job in the role if he got it, but he isn’t top on my list when picturing Reed Richards.

I believe my body would also have to be divided into head, abdomen and thorax. I know there are other conditions than just having six limbs. :stuck_out_tongue: