[CS Lounge] Pining for the Fjords

Always wanted Elevator Boots of Extreme Intellect.


Thank you so much Alvraen!

Looking forward to tomorrow’s classic release. I think I know what i’m getting into, but I don’t.

In other news, I have become a literal LIVE streamer! My 6year old boy, bunny and kitty all 3 stare at the screen when I play. :(though i told my son this game demands all the time so I won’t let him play till he gets done with college). :smiley: Though he said i should let him play during the 2 month school break every summer here. Maybe i will. Its just that this game is too good to stop, thats what I am afraid of.


Evidently I’m developing a Funko addiction


The friend who got me into it didn’t really encourage me to start until after I had finished law school and started my new job. This was an excellent decision on his part. I was able to get enough sleep to get to work and do my job, but I think I might not have finished law school if I’d been playing then.


Three beautiful days in a row here that have been perfect for having the windows open. Some thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow and what looks like mild summer temperatures to end August.

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Don’t turn into one of those guys. The crazy ones who would come in and go nuts if they couldn’t find the new release, or the package was scuffed. They would accuse us of hiding them in the back for ourselves. We can’t or get fired. (worked at Target til I retired in January). I won’t tell you about the Hotwheels guys!:smirk:


24 hours to launch!

Somehow it feels like the combined population of asia is going to try access papua new guinea. :smiley:

Dad’s Birthday meal was a hit. he liked the Creole dish I made and he certainly enjoyed the Cake.


Coming I to the tail end of my weekend doubles. I got lucky and a morni g person decided to stay.

Which I needed because the boss j stituted a closing checklist for every night. Easy enough. Except for, the other shifts have been marking it done but not doing it. So I need to make sure it is all done tonight. Ugh.

I actually take mine out of the box and display them. And throw the box away. But I’m very picky. I have a demonic nun from The conjuring movies coming. And I just got a vampire Batman. And a Hawkman. And a really cool Spider Man. Google Funko Spirit Spider. I have a Dr Who (4) ,a random Thestral. A styglimoloch . Cthulu. Stuff that catches my eye. I just saw an Aughra


You heathen! The Funko collectors will be up in arms! You must have a pristine box and keep it in a sterile room. I actually thought they were kinda cute but the crazys turned me off.

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I feel you. I would be in so much trouble if we were held accountable for completing our closing checklist every night. I mean, we are definitely accountable for trying to do it, but they keep cutting the hours we’re allowed to schedule and sometimes we just can’t. Friday night we had two cashiers scheduled after about 6:30 but I had to have four lanes open until 8:00. Which meant people who were supposed to be doing things on the checklist were running registers instead. And we’re almost never allowed overtime, so even if I wanted to stay and finish stuff myself, I can’t. Throw in people who quit or got suspended or forgot to change their availability when school started or just don’t show up or barely work when they do show up, and there are just too many nights we can’t get it all finished.

Ah, retail.


Funkos are not really my thing but for Four I might change my mind. :smile:

I legitimately made someone cry because I had a Black Illidan and that’s worth like 300 bucks right now.



She’s touching me!



Orc Grunt: Is that all you do?

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I tie shoe laces together so people fall down.

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Ten hours left! Hopefully they let me out of work at the same time as last week so I can get home in time for launch. I can’t wait!


I’m excited too! While I was waiting I managed to level a shaman to 100 in just over 2 days played for giggles.