[CS Lounge] Pining for the Fjords

So 10 hours till crash?
10 hours till long queue times?
Forums slow to a crawl
People complain about lack of features from expansion name or that it’s not a perfect replica.


This is going to be a record game opening. We are going to be part of history in a few hours. I am so thrilledf for myself, excited for the community and happy for the blizzard staff. They deserve success and more. Just hope the server hamsters do a good job!


You mean history repeating itself.


Only numbers.
When wow launched, blizz did not expect the numbers and i believe opening was to under 500k subs.
This time it will be 3.4 million.
For a relaunch… HUGE.
I could not wish better for a wonderful bunch of people.

Déjà vu all over again.



Rey looks siiiick!

Ship it!

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I wasn’t aware that Blizzard released any numbers.


They didn’t.


Me right now…

Made me chuckle…



…Happy Monday


LOL, sitting in the waiting room last week and a father and two sons came in. The older son had a device and was playing or watching something, and the younger had forgotten his device, so typical two sibling stuff. At one point the older said, quite frustrated, “he’s breathing on me!” To which the father was “uh … he kind of needs to keep breathing”.

:shifty-eyes: The new realms are up, but it’s not letting me reserve more than the original three names. Haha, too soon. (I added my game time late yesterday - not two weeks ago. Only missed one name I wanted, but since it’s based on a book and on the only RP-PvE realm, not surprised. I have her on my main account and was going to recreate her.


NVM. The time listed zone-shifts automatically. 2 pm Atlantic, so 10 am Pacific.

Thanks for the reminder though. I’ve reserved Rufflebottom on all the realms now.

Yep! if you see that globe icon next to a time, it means that it will be automatically converting into your local (machine based I believe) time zone. Something the new forums allow.


Yeah. It got fixed within 10 minutes - but there were a number of posts of people getting the same thing (can’t create more characters) for the first 15 minutes or so.

Been a very bad day today. Cook walked out so got called in. That’s fine.

But then grandma told me her work told her they don’t have workers comp insurance? To quote Legion… Somethings not quite right.

I am fairly certain they are trying to game the system and limit their liability and exposure. Also fairly certain we are going to find a lawyer for her.

I am so beyond pissed I can’t even describe. I know I will be calling state authorities to file a complaint on the facility though. If only to piss them off. Because when state digs, they find. It is why I stay late Sundays. To not give them a reason to dig in my kitchen.


/tar Kalv

Happy Friday!
btw. What tea are you drinking in that rendition?

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I just found out that Hulu recently added the tv series Designing Women. I used to love it and The Golden Girls. Stuff to watch while I wait.

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Put your helmets on.


And now the place is changing their tune. After she said they would not commit insurance fraud they found out from corporate itnis seperate insurance.

Really? I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt here but my spideu sense is on constant search now in regards.

I really hope I am just seeing the worst and it was an honest mistake. We will see.