[CS Lounge] Oh Sunny Daze!

Congrats! I got my flying unlocked a couple of hours ago myself. I also capped my Anima currency. Nothing to purchase at this time with it however. So I’ll be working on Achievements when not in Korthia.

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Crud. I sort of forgot that was a thing this patch. At least I’m not as far behind as I usually am. I’m at Renown 41, so I just need to grind out 3 levels of renown and start the campaign. Can’t be that hard, can it?


Grats to you as well.

Nah, you shouldn’t be that far behind. Last week’s Renown cap was 42 – so you are only off by 1 starting this week. The cap this week is 45.

Just grab the Shaping Fate quest in Korthia and your Covenant’s Replenish the Reservoir quest. Also, you can grab the Return Lost Souls quest as well (since it can give catch-up Renown now). Also, be sure to finish up any Covenant campaign quests.

Gonna be a very wet & windy day starting this afternoon. We are currently under a tornado watch & tropical storm warning.

Everyone in Elsa’s path … stay safe!


Now’s a great time to fly a kite!

No, not really. Stay safe!


Ohh, this one would be fun.

Scare the bejeebus out of the neighbors.


you as well…we’ve got a “Tropical Storm Statement” which i believe is a “Watch”? its still around the Gulf of Florida, so it may take a few days to travel up the east coast, but we won’t know its path until then at the very least.

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The “statement” has to do with the fact that it will be a big weather event over a large area, but they don’t know the extent or what kind (wind/rain/both).

I was starting to post because I thought I had another Blue Drake drop from Eye of Eternity. I was using Altoholic to see which number drop it was but was only finding one item. Then I realized the Azure Drake FINALLY dropped for me.



Does it have a Crocodile Hunter?



Bippy Hearthday!


Long day. Im wiped. Exhausted.

Soooooo home for a shower then riggt back out to see muh baby. Cuz yeah

Be careful. You are on the rebound. Just sayin.

Also the 30 second stuns in Korthia are awful. :grimacing:


Crikey! Look over there! Its a Malbog! these creatures are quite rare to find, but they’re dangerous none the less! :open_mouth: …i’m gonna poke him with this stick i just found.

also gratz on getting the mount. :slight_smile:


Thanks. I got the Blue Drake a total of six times. The first one I learned a few years ago. The other five I’ve gotten trying to get the Azure Drake. Too bad they’re BoP.


ikr? i’d love to be able to gift them to guildies or friends. kinda why i don’t really like running older content alone, cause if the mount drops and i’ve already gotten it, i gotta destroy it.

Just need one more reknown to get to 44 then i can go for flying easy enough.

I’ve got 44, now to complete the story line to get flying.