I sniped the honor. Sorry Merdrah.
you dastardly rascal you
Been a very long rough day at work.
Monday is going to be fun.
I was thinking of telling Vrak to pass it to you. We’ve both done it a ton of times.
That and some of you could guess the title I had in mind.
Now I’m starting to feel some fatigue.
I jumped the gun making this one. It was only 18 minutes since the last thread was locked when I made this thread.
Bunnies are known to be twitchy and voracious.
Hello! Thought I would fly in here to say hi in the new thread! Hope everyone is doing well.
And then fly out. HI!!
Yeah yeah…I’m notorious for that! LOL
roar @Harlsoco
Hey there, Amaelalin!
New thread, new thread!
I have spied the cats playing with each other. This is a momentous update from them being unable to stand each other! Now if only the younger one would stop eating my cat’s food…
No chance.
I love my local Chinese restaurant. Wherever I am. It’s always the best food, and awesome people.
Same with the local Thai place.
I LOVE Thai food.
I had a boss many moons ago that we went to lunch together to talk about my future and what I wanted to accomplish. I was narrowonded in my culinary tastes. So he took me to a Thai place. Never looked back after tryi g what he ordered me. Yummay
Time to break it in with first giph
I just clicked on my versions of WoW on the launcher.
I have not done this for an extremely long time. APPARENTLY I had the Shadowlands Beta. That makes me a sad panda as I would have enjoyed testing the content out. I never received access to the beta forums though. Nor did I receive an email. Weird. Kind of funny to me, but weird lolol.
Yes, I just woke up. Yes today is day 7 of 13. And yes I am absolutely exhausted and delirious at this point.
Carry on.
Whew. Another day down baby. Quick stop at Sam’s and Wally World for pickup and home to the boys.
More accurately home to take a shower and become one with my mattress.