[CS Lounge] Oh Sunny Daze!

Bleh. Got a speeding ticket a couple weeks ago for 5 over the limit. The officer advised that if I called the number on the back of the citation, they may be able to keep it off my record. Just had my Zoom meeting with a hearing officer, and no such luck. Best she could do was reduce the fine from $120 to $100.

On the other hand, I also just got off the phone with a local orthopedic clinic regarding the bill I received for a child I do not have who happens to share my relatively uncommon family name. I, nor anyone in my family, has ever received treatment there, so not sure how they managed to have my name and address. I honestly expected there to be more pushback, as there tends to be when someone is trying to collect a debt. But the representative was very apologetic, and told me she would get error corrected immediately, and did I have access to a shredder or should she send me a mailer to return the bill (I assume this sort of thing is a bit of a HIPAA violation)? I let her listen in as I shredded the bill, then thanked her for her help.


might be my new favorite Mast-ism. You and I both seem to have more than our fair share of kong days.


fixes up an ice cold flask of Banana Infused Rum for himself, Mast and Teuf perfect for those enduring those kong days. :grin:



A snack to help you through the day with those :tropical_drink:

I hate you all. And i mean that with absolute love for each and every one of you


Oh boy! He means it this time!

How do I know? Not a single spelling error in that post :laughing:


I’m friggen livid right now…

Texas DPS informed me I have to come in to renew my driver’s license and I cannot do it online. So I show up today, they stop me at the door, “do you have an appointment?” So I schedule one, the earliest they can see me is September 8th. My lisense expires this month… :rage:

If you can get a hard-copy of the appointment information, keep that with you if you have to drive. I have no idea if it will help, but it can’t hurt.

Yeah, licensing has been whacked out this last year. Cars here in Missouri have temporary tags that expired weeks ago, and that’s the norm; well, there are some with expired plates from last year, but that’s just trying to get out of renewing plates.

And I’ve seen cars in Michigan with hand-written notes in the back window saying “plates expired - I have an appointment on <date>.”

I’ll have to renew my plates this year, but I should be able to do that online or via email.

OMG we need to panic raise hell maintence has been extended how dare blizzard do this to us lol im sure were gona see a few of these.

do you have ESP or something? o_o cause i was thinking something similar.

“maintenance haz bin extended by 2hrs?! #RabbleRabbleRabble

if they think 6-8hr maintenance is “too much”, wait till they see another MMO’s “patch day maintenance” at 24hrs. :rofl:

It’s not me, it’s my flying mounts. They’ve been cooped up too long and were getting excited about getting some exercise. The look in their eyes when I said not today made me run for cover.


And your ground mounts have puppy-dog eyes wondering if you are going to use them instead.


i actually do use ground mounts once in a while whenever i’m in a city. though more often than not i’ll be using a flying mount…mostly cause i’m either farming for minerals, rares or something else.

You need to use your frog mount or your choppers once in a while.

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don’t have a froggo mount…but i do use the Champion’s Treadblade very often. takes a swig from his tankard

honestly, i don’t mind waiting for servers to come back up. having some food, watching a blood bowl vod that was streamed early Sun morning (like 2am early. @_@)

On a side not im 95% done ME 2 one side mission and then the final one.

I’m making chicken soup from scratch. :rooster: :chicken:

Holy moly is it hot out. The heat index is down to 108 from 132 earlier. That’s in the sun in my backyard. The shaded porch is 92. And it’s humid to add a little extra fun.

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Hey hey! No drinking and driving!


i shwear to the Light, i’m not drunk. …hic!

no seriously, i flew when i was tipsy…started going straight up and straight down. i was like “oh no, i forgot this was a thing in WoW! :rofl:

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Maintenance extended until 3:00 PM PDT now folks. Just wanted to mention it here for those that may not be aware.

Looks like I’ll be playing when I get home from work tonight. Since I have to leave to catch city transit to work in 20 minutes.

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so the hamsters that run the wheels that maintain the servers have apparently gone on strike. methinks Blizz needs a backup plan for such an occasion. :stuck_out_tongue: