[CS Lounge] Oh Sunny Daze!


I dont know u look more like a francis.


I knew something was in the air today. Somebody tried to go off on other supervisor, didnā€™t get the reaction they wanted, and got sent home from department head for their efforts.

And we are remarkably more calm now haha.


New personal record in Super Metroid
2 hours 37 minutes



Doesnt matter were all family :wink:


@Jugend-i know that feeling all too well. ._.

trying to level up vanilla (I.E. Standard/Retail Vanilla) fishingā€¦not going too well at all. seems to be taking forever to get a skill up and i donā€™t even know if iā€™m suppose to be fishing in Stormwind at 106/300 or not. .-.

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Classic or TBC Classic, no. In retail you can just pick a spot and fish, unless you are looking to level cooking at the same time.

ah, ok then.

nah, cookingā€™s at 300. iā€™m up to Draenor Cooking for some reasonā€¦though iā€™m trying to get the Outlands cooking done, before finishing off Northrend, then Cata and finally Pandaria. guess iā€™m just partial that way. .-.

then again, i have NO idea why iā€™m doing it this way any way. @_@

You used to have to fish the zones/expansions in order to max out fishing. You now do fishing in each expansion separately. So you can have level 1 fishing in Classic fishing and maxed in Shadowlands. Much more convenient if you level using Chromie Time. You donā€™t have to fish old zones in order to get to the ones you are currently playing in.


yeahā€¦guess iā€™m still used to doing it the old way. ._. though i admit, having access to the ā€œThe Brokers Angleā€™rā€ is a blessing in disguise. honestly just as good as the Underlight Angler but a LOT easier to get. :grin: (though iā€™ll still opt to get the latter as well, just cuz. :stuck_out_tongue:

Water-walking can be really handy from the Underlight Angler. And fish-form swimming.


Why is it when ever someone says its completly legal for a quest in a video game it usualy isnt or ends in bloodshed.

certainly saves me the trouble of using a water walking elixir, thatā€™s for sure.

underwater breathing, AND fast swimming? yush. :grin:

video game logic? :confused:

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Man gonna be a long day today. Did not sleep well at all last night. Had a nightmare that i was in a nasty custody battle last night and it really rattled me.

It took me a long while and a conversation with a special someone to calm down and be able ro go back to sleep.

On top of that i am really scared with a special someone as i may have sorta kinda told her i am starting to kinda sorta i dunno fall in love with her. Frankly, with the level of betrayal i felt with my marriage that scares me. But the heart wants what the heart wants.

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How do we get seeds for the Queenā€™s Conservatory now? Iā€™ve noticed that Whatsherface in the Maw is not longer handing them out as quest rewards.

One of the comments on the guide said they were still getting some from Veā€™nari even though she hasnā€™t been displaying them as rewards.


killed Galleon and Sha of Anger earlier, only to get nothing from themā€¦then realized that weekly resets havenā€™t proced yet. >_<

gonna be a long day today me thinks.

Thank you! Iā€™ve not bothered with the quests, but apparently I should lol.

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Youā€™re welcome. Iā€™m just hoarding seeds til I get the Conservatory maxed out.

Be sure to gather from your Anima Conductor treasure every day. I am swimming in catalysts from that and the daily in Conservatory.

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