[CS Lounge] Oh Sunny Daze!

Got my butt kicked on trash on 16 of twisting.

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Could get a group for it? I haven’t done past level 1 for a similar reason. And I really only got lucky that time.


Finally got around to checking out The Tomorrow War on AmazonPrime. Decent film, definitely some parallels drawn with Edge of Tomorrow.

Whoever came up with the creature concept definitely had some influence from Final Fantasy, change my mind.

I have a question, Lounge. If you had to pick four colours to symbolise Loki, what four colours would you pick?

Important follow-up question. Which Loki?

Comics? MCU? or from Norse myth?

Comics - Black, White, Green, & Yellow
MCU - Green, Silver, Gold, & Blue
Myth - Red, Silver, Gold, & White


MCU. Because it has to include green. It’s for a competition.

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The blue is purely for the Jotun blood thing, the few times they’ve shown it in the MCU.

If you’re doing a competition, I’d swap out the blue with black.

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I’ve been contemplating this since Fennel originally asked, especially original lore. I’m with Scrinshee on this MCU path. But I’m left wondering, silver OR gold? This could allow for red to be re-introduced with mythology in mind.

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managed to snag Burgy Blackheart’s Handsome Hat AND Ghostly Iron Buccaneer’s Hat last night.

been searching for those since they were added to the toybox collection honestly, and never ever saw them alive. honestly there’s a few other toys i wouldn’t mind trying to gun for, maybe knock a few more rares out (if i can ever find them. >.>) and possibly some transmog or stuff before i make plans to “return home” to Duskwood.

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Black is the swipe colour. Planning on a very pale blue if I use blue, because frost giant.

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Happy 4th to those celebrating today :fireworks: Be safe!


I’ll be celebrating by taking the dog to the park for a bit, to wear her out a bit. Then we’ll “take cover” for the evening, since my neighborhood turns into a war zone on the 4th. It’s actually a bit insane here.

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Well i am not going to said bbq i think because her geandma wants her aunt to pick her up and take her. Not that i offered to take her as well.

It is just yet another excuse from jer grqndma to try to control her and her movements. Im keeping my mouth shut and being patient though. I like her that much.

She lives with her geandma just in case i never mentioned it. She is slowly coming to her own conclusions without any outaide input from me lol

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hmm…wonder how difficult it is to get that Smoldering Ember Wyrm. :thinking: just looked it up and it doesn’t seem to drop for solo runs…so i’m guessing you have to have at least a few others in the group who aren’t loot locked and don’t have it yet to qualify for it?

It will drop on solo runs, just the chances are lowered. I got mine on a solo run.

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Yup. Not feeling today.


i know that all too well. awake physically, but not mentally, spiritually, psychologically or anything else. don’t really wanna run errands or “adult” today, but…i may not have an option at this point. ._.


Yeah, I’m with you.

I’ll “adult” a little today, but not too much. Just enough to get through the day.

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2nd day of vacation yay.

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Hope everyone had a good safe holiday weekend if you were celebrating here in the US.

Otherwise, I hope you had a dangerous weekend? I guess?