[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

Hope you feel better soon Kalv. It is privably the lack of a stylin avatar. Just sayin

Anyway a coworker brought some homemade chicken tortalini soup. The dude can cook so I knew it was time tkk test the stomach when it actually smelled good walking by his office.

A few stomach cramps thus far, but nothing major. I think if I take it slow I will be OK. I am convinced now it is just an empty stomach. Oh and the 8 pounds I lost. Can’t forget that

birthday is in january all i want is classic wow beta :slight_smile:

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So over the heat. We all got a touch of sunstroke from a family “do” on Saturday that ended up being outside… in over 40 degree heat.

I want summer to be over.


Both of my children’s birthdays are in January , as well as a close friend.


And here I am wishing for snow :cloud_with_snow::snowflake::snowman_with_snow::snowman:

It’s been too warm and muddy :frowning:


January 13th for me and sometimes that falls on a Friday

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Freind is the 5th, and my kid’s are the 7th and 15th. My eldest and Nixar ( an original CSFer ) share the same birthday.


I am with. Yoh Perl. Just nine of that Canadian snow. I just want the kind that closes my wife’s work for the day cuz she gets paid.

And the kids can have a good Ole fashioned snowball fight. Until somebody packs the snow too hard and somebody starts crying. Ahhh winter.

In other news when I got home last night I decided it was time to eat. For real eat. Test the stonach. Sob whipped me a box of pasta roni up he likes. Stomach took it eagerly. Here is to hop NG thst part is over. Now I am just super tired and lethargic.

Vrak: when you see this , please thank Kallafrax for me. The matter they handled was kinda sensitive, wanted to let them know I appreciate their help.


That’s a name I haven’t seen in ages.

You should have a survey when the ticket is marked closed, but I’ll figure out who that is and pass on your thanks as well. :slight_smile:


Already done. But you know me, the personal touch always matters.


Papa V! Can I kiss a flybie for the new year?

Also is it raining up there? It’s pretty heavy down here.

LOL, of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have him on FB. He’s had a great year. Married with a son. he’s also back on Kiiten’s side of Oz. He’s done well. I’m happy for him.


Glad to hear the Baron’s well. :slight_smile:


Weird. Just got a loading screen and I was out of my island expedition. But I don’t have a deserter debuff. Wondering if it is an instance thing?

I can’t queue either…says one ore more party members is on cooldown or something like that? Dunno. Oh well, will finish them later =)

Happy 2019 from the Upside Down Future Gnome!


You got booted.

That is whats I thought at first too. But I posted that 41 minutes ago and just completed 2 more Heroic runs. There is no way I waited out a 30 minute debuff

Maybe it didn’t apply Deserter, but you were still on the 15 minute random-queue lockout timer.
That’s my guess.

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