[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

It should come with Gravol.

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Boss just sent me home. Told me tk rest. She needs me healthy this weekend as my backup is on vacation.


Dad is feeling a bit better, and I’m still dealing with a cough from last weeks flu. Just want a night of sleep without getting up to cough.

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Helped our house

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it’s been decided. Dad wants flatbread pizza. Lucky I have all the mats for it.


Haha, when our gaming lingo invades the real world - they’re no longer ingredients, they’re mats.


+1 Cooking


I’m mad as hell right now…

Lately I have been getting up at 6am for no reason…I like sleeping in til about 10. I’m retired dammit.

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The holiday has my sleep cycle all screwy (again… doesn’t seem to take much these days to disrupt it).

I slept all day Thursday, broken only by intermittent periods of wakefulness lasting no more than 45 minutes at a time. Left work at 6:30 this morning after a lovely 14-hour shift. Just took a melatonin tablet and opened my white noise app. Now I just need to close this browser and let them do their magic. :tired_face:

Slept off and on for 13 hours yesterday. Today I have managed to make myself eat 4 crackers. It is going to be a very long day

Finally got off my hiney and seasoned my iron skillet. It’s in the oven right now baking.


Finally got a new computer!


  • Intel Core i5-8400 6-Core 2.8 GHz
  • G.Skill 8GB-2400 RAM
  • ASUS Prime X370-A Motherboard
  • Seagate FireCuda 2TB 7200 RPM SSHD (Solid State Hybrid Disk)
  • EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 FTW 8GB

Works awesomely. Runs WoW on 10 at around 60 FPS in Boralus (usually use 7 though), Prey on max settings, and GTA 5 on max.

Had it custom built at a local computer store.


Grats — that is a sweet system! So jealous!



I did encounter some lag or something during an island expedition, but the FPS didn’t change. Not sure what happened there. I’ll have to do some investigating to figure out what’s going on there.


Woo! Glad y’all had a good Christmas!! :slight_smile: I’ll be honest I’ve 100% forgot wow existed >.> someone asked me to help them with deathwings spine and I forgot what a deathwing was LOL! Was like what spine???

I still come to the forums daily but I like don’t see it as “wow” other then a place to talk, does that make sense? Lol!

I been playing so much of MGSV (completed it just trying to get 100%) and Gmod, also half life 2 (I can’t reallt get into tbh :frowning: pretty boring for the most part) and dark souls 1! ANNND finally sims 4:) thinking of getting the forest or DBZ fighter z can’t decide tho :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

Feels good not keeping up with wow I got all this time to play other games while I’m still on vacation >.>

I also watched bird box last night on Netflix! That’s such a good movie! I hope they do a sequel but with diff actors with another perspective that be dope.


Still feel like garbage today, but 100 times better than I did yesterday.

From Friday t ok Saturday the entirety of food consumed was 10 saline crackers and 2 bananas.

My stomach still hurts, but I am wondering how much of that is because it is empty. Consumed about half a pack of club crackers on the way to work and a biscuit just now. We shall see what happens.

Hope you feel better soon.


We had something quickly pass through our home too. My daughter graced Christmas dinner with a sick stomach :frowning: So while I spent a few hours making a delicious turkey, I unfortunately didn’t take even a bite of it.

Thankfully, we always take advantage of the flu-shots each year and I fully believe that my daughter would have been much worse without it. She was only sick the one night and for part of the next day. After that, she was back to her old (or is it young) self!

Hope you fell better soon Mastadon!


Fully agree with you on the flu shot. Luckily, work gives them out. Got MI e a few MO ths ago.

My stomach is in knots, but I still can’t decide if it was the biscuit or if it wants more, and just hurts now because it is empty.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Sorry to hear that! I did the holiday travel and there were a lot of kids around the family this year so I think I picked something up too.

Thankfully it’s not too bad, and I’m keeping on meds just to make sure it doesn’t get worse.