[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

I got a Shark Ion from my Mom. We call it Bruce, after the shark in Jaws


baby shark doot doot


Decided to dust off my Dwarven Shaman and do the alliance side to see the story.

This morning the power went out for a couple hours. Scooter got woken up and meandered around the apartment all confused (because he lost wifi signal so he didn’t know he was still on his charger).

It’s amazing how much people will anthropomorpize anything.


Was about ready to go shovel the driveway (looks like a solid two inches of heavy, wet snow fell yesterday). Just needed to grab my headphones… Left them at work.


Solution: grab a ghetto blaster and serenade your neighbours while you work.


Or grab a bowl to amplify your phone speaker haha.

Not that I steam table pans at work to do exactly that or anything.

I don’t understand.

No matter how much or how little I sleep, I’m exhausted. I can barely keep my eyes open. I fell asleep at lunch at work.


We used to do that where I work, too… used stainless prep containers (maybe four inches square and six inches deep) to amplify our phones. Now everybody has either bluetooth headphones or speakers. I’m usually packing both and use one or the other based on how thoroughly I want to ignore everybody.

Have you had any tests for sleep apnea? That’s a common symptom - getting enough hours in bed sleeping as far as you know, but not actually getting restful sleep.


I’ve had sleep issues for years. I go both ways … I either have insomnia or sleep at the drop of a hat. Any hat. Please hold on to your hat.

I had a sleep test done once, but couldn’t sleep.

People have told me that when I snore I’ll stop breathing,

That scares them, and then I have night terrors…

Why is the wulf sharing…

I could literally sleep on a bed of nails right now.

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That’s my issue. When I fell asleep I would stop breathing and snore horribly waking up. It got so bad my wife would frequently go sleep on the couch. I was exhausted and could barely stay awake at times, sometimes driving. I actually got a warning at work for falling asleep. I eventually was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and in my case the cpap worked.


Yup that is textbook sleep apnea Mr Wolf.

My. Last sleep st dy the Dr told me I stopped breathe NG 150 times an hour. Every 30 seconds. I now cannot sleep restful ly without my cpap.


about once a minute for me if I recall correctly

Sounds like me, Papa Wulf. Except, mine is caused by low iron. I wake up feeling like I haven’t slept at all :frowning:

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Keeping an eye on my dad, he got hit hard with the flu, and him being 75, making sure he doesn’t get pneumonia. Been making sure he’s keeping warm and making him eat and hydrated.


I love it when the Rivet Counters get worked up when a game clarifies a rule to make the game more playable, Historical be damned.

I’m loving that I can field a platoon of Ferdinands and Panthers with the Afrika Korps. Let the silliness begin!

Yikes! I hope your dad feels better soon, Thundertotem.


was watching some old wow videos and i remembered a series called How to paladin doesn’t seem like much by today’s standards but at the time it was creative
i think there was 60 some videos in the series i happened to track down one of them enjoy the silliness of 2007 wow

Usually at work right now. But I am just waking up.

Luckily I kind of write my own schedule for Tuesdays and Fridays. I am not feeling well. Headed in but not feeling well