[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

Merry Christmas from the great White North :gift::christmas_tree:


Merry Christmas from the panhandle state of OK. A special high five to the people so close I could reach out and touch. Tooking at you TT and Jetsum.

Boys are thoroughly spoiled and happy. Their nana went crazy this year.

I set the present of two wrapped games RIGHT NEXT TO the Nintendo Switch, which I hid behind the TV hooked up. Youngest, 8, went and grabbed it, completely oblivious. They opened t hem and were happy. Then I said wait a second, that says switch on the box, we got the wrong games. We have a WiiU. Youngest got real quiet and sad for a second. I told him to go look to see if anything else was back there that he missed. He screamed at the top of his lungs…

O M G WE GOT A ENTENDO SWITCH??? His eyes got really big, and collapsed on the ground for dramatic affect… I regret nothing.

To all my celebrating friends out there in CS land…Merry Christmas. To all my non celebrating friends out there…Happy Tuesday?!


Merry Christmas all!

It was looking like we were going to have a white Christmas. Then Sunday happened. There’s almost no snow to see at all.


I have wanted a White Christmas since the day I moved to Oklahoma. It has not happened in the 6 that have passed since our move. Kind of sad really haha.


Whelp, meal is in the books. Nana took the youngest to go see Mary Poppins. Eldest is playing Mario Odyssey. And wife is lounging in bed in a food coma.

All in all, not too shabby of a day.

Tried something new with my deviled eggs today. Usually I will crumble some fresh bacon and put that on top. Or green onion. Today it was green onion. But I also put a little drizzle of honey in the filling. I think it was a hit.


was a nice christmas this year i got a nintendo switch from my brother was more sentimental than anything kinda felt like the nintendo 64 kid :P.

also my grandmother got a replacement wedding ring she lost the original years ago so she got a bit emotional over that.


Well, I got something I always wanted, a cast iron frying pan. Now to season it and put it to use.


Welcome to the land of never washing and cleaning via a deglaze :man_cook:


Japanese curry is made thicker because of potato prevalence. Milder with fruit and savoury with the spices. Not saying because of personal bias but it’s truly my favourite food.

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I’ll need to hunt down a good Japanese curry place. Curries are my favourite food group but the only time I’d tried Japanese curry was from a national not-known-for-asiatic-foods chain.

It wasn’t good :frowning:

I am very picky on my curry. There is one place around me that I can tolerate the curry. However, my best friends mom immigrated from India. And man oh man, nothing I have ever had compared to her curry. My mouth is salivating thinking about it. Unfortunately, it is now 1800 miles away haha.

I am intrigued by the Japanese curry. I might have to find one around here and give it a go.

On the other hand …


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Merry Christmas!

I now own a Roomba. His name is Scooter and he wiggles when startled off of his charger and whines aggressively when he gets stuck under the couch. I love him.


Yay! It’s almost over! Just have to contend with New Years. 2018…you sucked.


Man that roomba would be Apollo best friend. He like tkk bark and pounce near the vacuum now. I can only imagine if a roomba got set loose.


Animals and Roombas are the best things ever.


Back to work Wednesday


Why do I feel there is a techno mix of this somewhere? :laughing:

Me on the other hand, done with work for the day. Off tomorrow…then it all comes crashing down Friday again. Oh well I will enjoy it while I can.

Greetings! Four-day weekends are good for … 20 hour gaming marathons. (There were actually a lot more hours played before and after, but that was a single long session, with breaks, of 7dtd A17 with one brother, which started after my other brother and his wife shut down their game to go to dinner.)

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I have taken to watching Grand Tour on Amazon Prime. I loved the guys on Top Gear. I liked the history remake of it. I am not that big of a fan of the newer remake however.

But this has the feel of the older Top Gear. I am only 2 episodes in, but I am really enjoying it