[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

As a legit Pastafarian Minister, I can do nothing but approve of anything noodly.


Looted me (3) new mounts for my mount collection in the past 24-hours. Hoping to reach the 400 mounts collected achievement soon!


So, I am taking mount donations. I barely have the 150 achievement haha.

Perhaps I should farm weekly. Might help.

:boom::confetti_ball::tada: Congrats! :tada::confetti_ball::boom:

I am 5 away from 400. I still have 3 of the Falcosaur mounts to get from Legion so that will help. Hmm, guess I could grind out the Argent Charger on my Horde Pally for 1 extra mount. Ugh, doing all the dailies, again … shudder.


[Cries in Monkey] :monkey:


Only 309 mounts usable by a single character. 355 total though.

987 unique pets

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I really need to get to work on that - I only have 935 unique pets thus far.

988 now. I just got Trunks.

If you get suitcases, then you’ll have 989.

I’ll see myself out :wink:


Okay, that was a mistake with Chili flavored Ramen.

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Made Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese sandwiches.


I quite appreciate being able to like a Blue’s comment now.


I’d imagine the old version was from the defunct upvote/downvote system. I agree, this is so much nicer.


[quote=“Dathrel-malfurion, post:416, topic:55278”]
Oh she’s definitely an evil menace at the moment
[/quote] PSSHHH NAAAWWH! Shes just hurting give her some space <3 just tell anduin to roll over and die and she’ll be much happier! (Just teasing) IDK! Its hard for me, I love her character since W3 and I get shes always been “EEEEVVVIL!!!”-Mermaid man. In someway or another, but I like to think shes doing it for the good of the foresaken and using the Horde as leverage, which yeah makes me feel like a big fat pawn in all of this. I did choose to side with her just because I thought saurfang was full of cheese story wise. (still feel like this)

He’s just too eh. Doesn’t possess the Orc characteristics I love, Honor, Savagery, no mercy. But we shall see what happens next patch hopefully <3

ATLAS! I finally finished Dark souls 1 <3 id say DS3 is harder, because in DS1 the difficulty is all over the place, one minute its tough then another moment its walk in the park. Where as in DS3 it ramps up more and more and more and their more stuff to micro manage in boss fights. Also in DS1 you can cheese every single boss in that game just by studying them for a moment or two.

BUT STILL! With all soulborne games everyones journey differs and it feels so good to have this one under my belt<3

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As to the Horde split, I still support Sylvanas Windrunner over Saurfang.

To quote myself from another thread:



Oh I always planned to turn against Sylvanas first moment I got. “War is inevitable” is a pathetically cynical bit of nonsense. “Let’s just kill everyone instead of try to live in peace with everyone”. That’s, well, yeah, as I said, evil. Desire to murder to get your way.

Saurfang supports peace. Sylvanas only supports herself.

As a Draenei, I think we should leave this planet behind and reclaim Argus. We’ve destroyed the Burning Legion, and we can’t really trust you primitives with our security anymore.



Go on, I’m really curious on how you’re going to go that. :thinking::smile:

We have a spaceship.

It has a big gun.


Saurfang agreed with her that war was inevitable.
He even agreed that by not making war now the end result would be worse for Azeroth in the long run.