[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

I ate at the infamous El Arroyo tonight! That place with the funny signs that get spread across the interwebs. Tonight’s sign was:

“Lazy Person Fact 7849367: You were too lazy to read that number.”

The food is also really good and very reasonably priced!


But what if we turn to this tactic?


Can’t even RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR no more :frowning:

That was before she left him to die, and without the knowledge that Anduin had proposed the beginning of peace talks which Sylvanas had sabotaged to ensure conflict happened. In other words, he agreed only with the falsified case she presented, not what was actually happening.

Sylvanas doesn’t care about the Horde. That’s important, and you’re seeming to forget. They’re a means to an end for her, and their devotion to honour makes them easy for her to lie to, because it would be dishonourable to lie so most of the Horde would never do so. Sylvanas has been mostly lying since the very start. Remember the ‘truth and lie’ game with her sisters? All three statements she presented were lies. Point being that she’s extremely adept at lying her face off, and that includes crafting current events in such a way that Saurfang and the rest of the Horde would agree to go along with her.

So, no, war was not inevitable between the Alliance and Horde. In fact Sylvanas’ actions are the only reason it’s gotten to this place at all. Also Azerite is the lifeblood of Azeroth, so nobody wins with it continuing to be exploited. Sylvanas’ path is one to death and destruction, which is her intent.

Look out, a distraction!

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As some of you may know, we at Gnomeregan Forever, lost our beloved leader, Forbidra on December 14, 2018. After allowing time for us to grieve over the tragic and sudden loss, we have planned
a memorial service on Wyrmrest Accord on January 26, 2019 at 5pm server (Pacific time USA) in New Tinkertown. We encourage everyone come and share with us and the community your fondest memories of Forbs. Thank you.


Oh, btw, I’m Dicey.

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Sylvanas left Saurfang to die when he had decided that death was more honorable, it was his choice, she disagreed with it but honored his decision to die honorably in battle. When he survived and was imprisoned she sent a rescue attempt. When he refused to go with the rescue party she sent a second attempt, but because of his refusal he was under suspicion and assassination or rescue were now options depending on his reaction.

The boy king’s penchant for peace was covered in the arguments for a first strike. If anything triggered Saurfang it would be the use of the blight and the Horde troops who were caught in that counter attack (the old killing your own front line with artillery scenario), although his attempted suicide by a solo attack without armor happens before that.

In brighter, much happier news, Gutripper and Lil’ Donkey have a new home…namely in my mounts tab. Very happy.

Also, as is fitting, any time I am riding on Lil’ Donkey I will talk like Shrek



Shhhh! Don’t give away all your secrets.

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Oh we are not worried. We have established they don’t know how to fly the thing…Probably just crash again :flight_arrival::parasol_on_ground::boom:


Reminds me of something I read that was talking about things wrong with the Enterprise. One was that the dish portion, which detaches as an emergency get-away multiple times, has not been designed to do anything but crash land into planets.

At least you make it to a new planet each time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Driver’s sid door on my truck finally failed. Won’t close now, need to bungie it. Going to a junkyard tomorrow to pull a door

Are you positive it is the door, and not the latch mechanism?

Happened to grandma’s car. Her door would not close. We had found that a piece had popped out preventing the latch from moving. We popped it back in, and the door is fine, 5 years later

Yeah, hinges broke it’s hanging at an angle.

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Ahhhh gotcha. I wish you the best of luck finding one for your truck muh friend.

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Already taken care of. Found a door, picking it up today, my mechanic will rehang the door for me, and my truck will be ready tomorrow morning.


If I open the rear hatch door of my Explorer when it rains, the electronic hatch mechanism shorts out, and the computer thinks the door is always open. Then it gets stuck in the closed position and the button doesn’t work to open it until it dries out. One of those examples of technology making our lives easier. :rofl:

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Thats the good thing about noodles…they have a history going all the way back to the…Ramen Empire…


Where did they put the ban button on these new forums… :thinking: :upside_down_face: