[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

It is set to put you on the character you last used in game as far as I can tell, though a website bug report was posted by someone saying it is now a random character.

Doing the incursions on your Horde toon, that rep will come fast and furious.


Please keep spoilers out of this thread.

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What!!! Sylvanas cares about honor so much she blighted her own troops <3 (jokes aside) I love her still and don’t see her as a evil menace like the alliance and that off brand horde do >.> Mag’har unlock was my fav questline by far in bfa, was so epic. And I’m a huge fan of WOD weirdly enough it kinda made me happy to go back and see ya boi old man grom.

I was crossing my fingers that a Garrosh would be there >.> but at las I guess not :frowning: I miss him, I want him back more then anyone, he deserved so much more. Even if he comes back as a DK!

Not to police the CSL but please talk about the game outside of here. There’s a lot of us that haven’t unlocked Mag’har. There’s a lot of us who haven’t seen the Horde side of things.

Thanks! :smiley:

Since when has discussion of the game ever been forbidden in the Lounge? I understand spoilers, but we can talk about the game amongst ourselves.


I agree as well. However sorry you haven’t gotten around to getting Mag’har but they been out for a while now, I’d consider them as old content at this point>.> plus I was only talking to dathrel no one else. I get my post still shows openly to everyone, if it really bothers you, feel free to put me on ignore I don’t mind. I’m a horde player as well, so if I talk about wow it’s gonna be from horde perspective for 100% of the time unless I switch back to alliance >.>.>


Let’s hear it for TACOS!!! :taco: :taco: :taco: :taco: :taco: :taco: :taco:


Now that is a post I can get behind.

It’s what I made for dinner last night. Picky eating kiddo ate 3.

Hang it over a shower rod?

Hard or soft shell? I don’t remember the last time I had hard shell tacos. xD

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Yeah, I thought that too. But it has to be a random character, since I’m not sure I even logged into that girl at Winter Veil.

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Oh she’s definitely an evil menace at the moment, and her and Nathanos’ whole “conquer the world and turn everyone Forsaken” thing makes it very difficult to quest for the Horde sometimes, because they’re unsympathetic. Still, I learned that their current state and why they’re like that is basically a result of Lord Garithos, which is a callback to a very underrated and underutilized Warcraft villain (and yet he’s responsible for the Forsaken and Blood Elves abandoning the Alliance).

Having said that, the occasional signs at Sylvanas still having a more benevolent persona buried underneath her malice, and the devs and writers outright saying she isn’t “Garrosh 2.0” or whatever makes it pretty clear to me she’s going to be redeemed by the end of the expansion.

The mag’har unlock quest chain references that original plan to redeem Garrosh rather than vilify him. We basically got Evil Garrosh, but in most universes he turns around and becomes a great leader.

Also Lightbound as possible expansion antagonists? I kind of think so. I’d be fine with that; any chance to kill Xe’ra personally. :smiling_imp:

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She likes me to fry flour tortillas into a shell. Only way she will eat them.

A ramen recipe I picked up from a friend of mine while he was in jail. it’s good in a pinch and when times are lean.

Jailbird Cheesy Ramen

  • One Package of Chicken Ramen
  • Slice of American Cheese
  • Some Hot Sauce

Make Ramen according to directions. While still hot add cheese slice and let it melt. Stir in Ramen. Eat with a little Hot Sauce on top.

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I’m making this right now.

Curry Ramen

  • Package of Chicken or Pork Ramen
  • Can of Coconut Milk
  • Teaspoon of Red Pepper Flakes
  • Tablespoon of Curry Powder
  • Handful of frozen StirFry veggies.

In sauce pot, add ramen brick and seasoning packet, add Curry, Red Pepper and veggies. Then add can of coconut milk. Bring to a Boil.

If you wanna add meat, go right ahead (I used some leftover pork loin, I diced up)

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Heh, Fort Hood is booming tonight. Can hear the artillery fire and it rattles the windows.

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Stop. Making. Me. Hungry.

I wonder how that would work with shredded cheddar?


Give it a shot! Let me know!

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I might just have to bring Ramen+cheese+vege packs from my roommate’s Korean Ramen (she hates veges so I steal them for my Ramen) into work for lunch tomorrow.

Ramen recipes are giving me flashbacks to a YouTuber that tried a ramen cookbook.