[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

I have a similar issue, about half the time.

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Are you a box again the same way I lost TW?


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Yup! In fact, I think it happened at like the same time you lost TW.

Now I just feel like I’m keeping the Blues company since they don’t have their pics back yet too :wink:

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My late ex mother in law referred to American instant ramen as junk food. She was extremely offended by it. She was born and raised in the Ryukus. Before ,during, and after the Japanese occupation.

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I had never looked at the nutrition label until I took nutrition in college. Then I was floored at the sodium.


Cross racials.

Worgens with Panda roll.

After we finally get tails…

Make it happen.


Why is there always one wet sock when laundry is done? I’m not throwing one sock back in the dryer.

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It’s part of the great sock conspiracy.

Home for the day. Making tacos for dinner. My wife will only eat them if I fry flour tortilla shells for her.


Feeling kinda dumpy today, just stayed in bed.

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Just saw Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse! Such a gorgeous and well-written movie, and the tribute to Stan Lee at the end had me bawling. If anyone haven’t seen it yet, I strongly recommend doing so ASAP.


How did you know the exact image that would terrify me?

But so tasty. ;-;


For anyone missing it… Twitch is streaming classic Dr Who. Currently on 3rd Doctor/Jo Grant stories. https://www.twitch.tv/twitchpresents

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I think I’m at the end of ds1 I defeated Nito, some giant demon carcass, a demon sage, and demon centipede >.> now I’m on bed of chaos I called it a night since I played like 3 hours straight need a break. I know how to beat him tho, he actually doesn’t even do much damage just breaks holes in the ground and sweeps you in to fall :man_shrugging:

AnywAy! This week was pretty good! Got no complaints. Was thinking of watching some Netflix comedies tonight before I sleep, any recommendations? I loved Dave Chappell’s 1st act, didn’t care much for his 2nd one tbh.

Have a goodnight my friends! Ttyl tomolli:)

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Reply button worked this time.

Anyways, finally got the Mag’har unlocked. It really is astounding watching Sylvanas lie her face off, talking about respecting honour and stuff, which we all know she doesn’t give a damn about. There’s a certain level of allegory to current events with her too, which makes it even more amazing.

Ah well, the Forsaken were positioned as sort of antagonists at the end of Warcraft 3, and that got subverted for 10+ years. Glad to finally get the payoff.

I haven’t gotten the Mag’har opened yet. I’ve been avoiding the rep-grind by level-grinding the other Allied race alts I have.

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We went and played CAH with friends tonight. Took the kids, because we didn’t have a sitter. Everything crossed that they sleep in, please…

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And that was… weird. Not sure why it logged me in to that character. I’m not even sure the last time I logged in to her.