[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

We’re built to handle 100-degree heat, not bouncing thermometers!

The rain was nice, though.

Like this?

Not the same thing.

Thats discussion, not a forum for actual stories.

A forum is what you make of it. There’s also the World’s End Tavern. I have a few stories floating around on the story forum, tho.

I had plans of buying a new desktop for my dad this month, but had some sorta-unexpected expenses. But thing are on track to get it next month.


Finished a shelf that’s been sitting around my apartment for almost a full year! Huzzah! Now I have a whole lot of space back.

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Home from vacation. Boo.

If you’re a person of (any ) faith please send your heartfelt prayers to a CSF original who seldom, if ever, posts here any more.

She lost her fur baby today, and is devastated. Send her healing prayers to help her through her grief. She’s an incredible human being.



Sending love and thoughts :frowning: It’s never easy to lose a loved one.


Many thoughts and e-hugs. :hugs:


A friend of mine and his wife made homemade tamales and brought me two dozen. Guess what I am having for dinner?

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I think … steak.

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Oh. My. {insert Diety}.
I think I may know exactly who you’re talking about.
The person also googles theirself - a mommy board I used to belong too had a thread about them, they showed up and spent several days defending their stance.
(Edited to neutralize a bit).

Well, I got accused of being a sock puppet because my profile is hidden. Time to step away.

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Was it by that guy that was using 9 alts to troll that one thread?

I feel they need to block alts from posting in the same thread. Fine with swapping to alts but not with using them in the same thread.


Nope, someone new. I turned off notifications for that thread thinking it would be prudent. Trolling is quite prolific on that forum.

Got my work cut out for me. since being sick for the past three week, I kinda made a “nest”. Need to clean that up and start working on some of my new year resolutions

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This must be a new year. I don’t know what’s going on in this forum at all and everything is too weird and laid out in doubly ha


Hiyas Kanty!

And /snuggles TW


am still very confused, can’t see TW to be able to hug him as well


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