Any time I have to borrow my daughter’s car, she’s got an iPod Shuffle plugged in and playing Jpop and Kpop. I’m not familiar enough with either to be able to tell the difference.
I don’t know if vocaloid or songs from anime would properly be considered J-Pop but here’s a vocaloid cover of an anime song I like.
I’m a fan of Yoko Kanno, but she maybe not considered J-Pop. But I do like Kiriko Takemura (Kyary Pamyu Pamyu).
Busy morning, gotta head out to Roundrock at 8:30 to pick up a calinet for my niece, when all I want to do is veg in my apartment.
Speaking of that, need to clean up, when I get sick…I start packratting and nesting.
Ah I like some of Kyary’s songs too.
Candy Candy and Ninja Re Bang Bang are the other two of hers I like.
Kyarys, Sakurako Ohara, she baby metal saw those guys live on Korns “summer of serenity tour”
Baby Metal is fun to listen too, I managed to get a few of their CDs from Japan.
The only J-Pop I tend to hear is the intro or exit songs to anime, such as the slime one I’m watching with my brother right now.
I haven’t heard much K-Pop in years, though for a while my daughter was nigh obsessive about several bands. (To the point she was writing fan-fic about members of Super Junior and another one, maybe SHINee, and watching TV dramas they were on.)
I’m more a Latin pop, electronica, and a smidge of rock (of the FFDP variety) type.
They are!! their super entertaining live too! There were so many little girls like 5-10 dressed up as them in the crowd dancing, once the show ended there was a giant wave of them leaving lol! (I mean I wouldn’t let me kids see stone sour and korn at a such a young age either >.> )
Ordering a large pizza for dinner tonight, don’t really wanna cook anything.
Okay, maybe this will be a dumb question, but I don’t quickly see the answer. Once people hit Trust Level 3 on the forums, can it go back down - either through inactivity or through forum code violations?
EDIT: I may have found my answer, assuming the Discourse structure is being used, on a Discourse blog posting.
I think if you have been flagged too many time and/or have had a forum time out, it will drop.
For my US brethren, I thought Id show you this:
This is my home in summer:
Hot , humid, and a bustling, busy modern city.
After I found out that a lot of her stuff was heavily inspired, kinda ruined it for me.
I have a small favour to ask.
Back a while, we had a forum area for WOW stories, vignettes, that kind of thing. Is there any word on if this will ever return? The forum featured some VERY gifted writers,. and it seems a shame that there isnt a place for that.
Has it been discussed?
Ugh. Don’t remind me. It was already 30 (86, for the US folks) at 8am this morning! Now its 40 (104). I can’t wait for the cool change that’s meant to be coming.
You and me both.
Had a nice dinner with Dad. I picked up a pizza and we sat down and watch the recent Predator movie. It was a lot of fun.
Austin seems to fluctuate heavily between “too hot” and “too cold” at this point of year. After storming for 3 days, it was up in the 60s today!
lol, yeah…it’s why us locals get sick easily.