[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

thinking about all the wow killers and all the times i jumped in blindly supporting some of those games lol. when a game like ATLAS started getting its hype and no one knew anything about it i know how that was going to turn out

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Same!!! Still makes me laugh about that game lol! Its like “This is way too cool to be true” Especially since ark was a buggy mess and still is from what I hear.

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i’m sure we will get more disappointing games like that im hopeing for camelot unchained to be good but wee will see

My tummy hurts when I cough now…just want this cold GONE.

Really need to stay out of General. I’ve used up all my flags for the day already.

Suppose I’ll go run all the errands I was meant to do yesterday, plus the ones that I scheduled for today.

(Full disclosure - running errands is just an excuse to buy myself lunch on the way home)


I need to go run an errand for my wife. I am off, she is at work, and the store is on the other side of the city for her. I am avoiding it because money is tight until payday, tomorrow. Have the money budgetted for the errand. It is the inevitable trip to the Hibachi joint on the way home I have been craving since I saw it in the forum yesterday or the day before that would put the squeeze on. And I sit here telling myself, we have the money I just don’t want to go that low haha. I am my own worst bad influence i swear.

thanks for the input everyone. not yet sure how i’ll handle it. i don’t think they’d respond negatively to the question, and i almost can’t resist knowing. i first ran across them on a poker forum years ago where they signed up just to go on a rant about restaurant service and ranch dressing. we then learned, they did this all over the internet, for years. their posting style is definitely so distinct that it was pretty easy to guess this was them.

meh, i’ll probably let it drop unless there’s a reason to bring it up.

Make an alt on their server and ask the question privately?

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Gonna make Swedish Meatballs for dinner tonight.


Greetings! Happy New Year to all of you! :fireworks::tada:


Harlsoco! Happy New Years!

Time for a nap…

Discretion is often the better part of valour.

An innocent segue , that won’t be accused of doxxing, is to say something along the lines of “You remind me of a guy I used to read and admire on -x forums-”.

A simple remark, and opens the door if he wants to share the information.


Happy New year Harly! You are incredibly missed around here.


Man my youngest loves to watch YouTube. There are certain channels that he will just consume and consume and consume content on. He wants to be a YouTuber when he is older…he is 8…I keep telling him to do good in school.

I was curious so I googled the net worth of the channel owner he likes to watch…it was not what I expected. At all. LIke not even close. Like in the I don’t want to discourage him number of 7 million.

I of course will not encourage him to do this, nor would I discourage him from doing it. But man…7 mil? Apparently it is a very popular channel haha. That is all.

I’d seen an article a while back with a kid who has a YouTube channel reviewing toys and made an estimated $22 million in a year. I just can’t even imagine. (h ttps://www.bbc.com/news/business-46427910)


Alright guys I sent in my secret agent to tag Sylvanas after she logs out from being warchief! The results are SHOCKING! (not CLICKBAIT! BUT IT IS! and ISN’T clickbait!)

h ttps://imgur.com/a/U5fWQkg

thats what happens when I stay up too late listening to Jpop /wave

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J-Pop is amazing. :smiley:

What kind of jpop do y’all listen to?