[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

New Year tradition for me, buy a package of socks and a pair of sneakers. When my Grandmother was alive, she would send me socks every year for Christmas. When I was little I was like “ugh socks”, but now I relished gettting them. Wel, Grandma passed on and now, day after new years, I go to walmart and buy some socks and shoes.


That’s still warm enough to wash my car.

Was delivering pizzas last night in single-digit temperatures wearing a polo over a t-shirt. I spend quite a lot of time standing between a 600-degree oven and a 200-degree warming rack, or sitting in a car with the heat cranked to max and the seat warmers on. Stepping out into the cold occasionally feels pretty good.

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A co-worker came back from a break shocked because she saw someone out and about in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. Another just came back from a holiday trip home to Vermont where he was dealing with temps in the teens. We Californians complain about the mildest weather you could imagine.

(Of course, I’m happy and comfortable in dry 100F weather, while most Californians I know complain just as much about that. Cold gets to my bones and joints - cranky old person problems. I’m almost 50. I’m allowed to be a cranky old person, right?)

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I’ve shoveled my driveway in shorts before, though I’m more likely to be wearing sweats. My dad lives in NW Florida, and will only visit me between May and August. If I were to visit him then, I’d constantly be whining about the oppressive heat and humidity.

You’re right about my age, and I’m the crankiest person I know, so yes. :grinning:


It’s all relative. In California we’re used to weather that sits in the 80+ degree range for a large portion of the year so dropping down into the 30s and 40s is cold to many of us.

Not everyone mind you, I’m still wearing shorts. :smiley:


Acclimatization can be hard, when I was a child we relocated from Fort Richardson to Fort Benning.

Worst case I know of was a guy who was transferred directly from the Aleutian Islands to Chu Lai Vietnam.

In unrelated news:

Attachment on email from one of my daughters on New Year’s.



It’s 82 in Tampa. And I’m cranky. And hangry.

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But haven’t you earned the right to be cranky? And well you can easily fix the hangry part, and that might help with the cranky part

And Vrak, so true. I grew up in nice comfortable 60-80 spring through fall weather in Bay Area. Then moved to much hotter summers haha.

When I moved here I went to see a movie and they told me the AC was out…I got a ticket for a different show, but asked if i could check the theatre anyway. They said sure. I saw the movie without AC. Other people were complaining oh its so hot in here. I was like my house AC is set higher than it is in here right now haha.

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I’m done with adulting…

Wrapped up in my blankie and sipping Hot Cocoa (with a little whiskey in it)


What, no Irish whipping cream? haha

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Something simple for dinner tonight.

Tomato/Basil soup with grilled cheese sandwiches.

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Maple Glazed Pork Chops here. Mmmmmmm

Chicken cordon blue and fried season potatoes.

And french silk pie.

I’m not hangry any more.


I am a sweets glutton, so I am on my way


Miss Moo is apparently going through a growth spurt. She has not stopped eating all day. Plus last night, she ate all her dinner, half of Bug’s and some of mine.


I love those stages!

I remember when my son ate more lasagna than I did and he was like 4! Now he’s too “picky” to eat it. He pretends to hate melted cheese…unless it’s on pizza or anything else he actually likes.


I have nikujaga if you want some :>

I’m also kinda cold. It’s 27 though. In San Diego, of all places.

I would never had believed that had a guildies not said the same thing.

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Alright guys the death of wow has come, we survived destiny, we survived final fantasy, we survived runescape, tune town, club penguin, club penguin island, pirates of the carbian online, guild wars 1-2, black desert runs out of breath.

But the wow killer has finally arrived now a NEW GAME BASES OFF MINECRAFT CALLED drum rolls and googles because I forgot HYTALE! :smiley: I honestly didn’t even realize Minecraft has more active players then fortnite >.>

I’ll be honest it looks fun from the trailer, but the trailer didn’t look like real gameplay and 2018 taught me to take everything like a grain of salt from game trailers >.>

Also Netflix in US got all Indiana Jones movies! :smiley: I was thinking in wow it be fun if they made temples for players to explore together like 5 man instance that goes with archeology. And there’s puzzles that are generated randomly >.> be pretty sweet and the end can have a toy or mount.


Id leave this alone.

You may have a suspicion, but you have no way to prove it, my best advice is if theres an issue, report it and let the mods handle the matter. I wouldnt go to them personally by any means.

My counsel is hands off, report where needed and leave it for the mods to manage.

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