[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

2 were recovered right away. They’re fine. The other 2? Let’s hope the sea lets the family have closure. :sob:

She can be a harsh mistress. And the waters are cold. And it’s been 10 hours.


Oh no :frowning:

I’m glad two of them are safe.

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Couldn’t you just make a new Nelf?

Wouldn’t Wicked just end up with a half-n.elf?


So the weather dictated dinner tonight. It is approximately 29 here right now, -1.67 for the non American readers haha. That means something to warm the soul. What better than my homemade chicken noodle soup. Made from complete scratch, excluding the store bought noodles.

When I make sure my friends and family know about it, there are going to be many an upset person that I did not share earlier so they can come get some. Which is why I won’t share until it is gone haha. Hope you are all having a safe New Years day, or 2nd of the month for the future gnomes.

That would involve levelling.

Actually, that’s not a bad idea for tomorrow’s dinner. The pork roast I made tonight was a success, came out real good.

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Heh, we had chicken alfredo tonight, and planning on pork chops for tomorrow. Hubs is getting antsy 'cause he hasn’t has anything to grill for the past few nights. :smile:

so i have a quick question that i really don’t think needs or should have its own thread.

in general, i was reading a thread and recognized someone’s posting style, and i suspect they are notorious on the internet under another posting name. to my knowledge, no real life info is known about this person, just a forum handle. would asking them if are the same person be against the rules for any reason?

If you can prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Otherwise, it could potentially be a mild form of doxxing.

It’s a bit of a gray area as revealing who you believe they are could be considered a form of harassment. It could certainly invite a negative response/reaction. There is also no guarantee that the person would be honest, as I’ve seen a number of people pretend to be whatever the other person is accusing them just to see what kind of reaction they can get. A certain recipe for trolling.

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I think it’s more important how they are behaving than who they are. If they are not behaving themselves, that might be more of a clue if that’s the person you have in mind. This is assuming the person you are referring to is a troublemaker. Most of the time, given time, eventually a troublemaker shows their spots. I would advise to just quietly keep an eye on this person (not stalk them but just notice their posts) and if after a time they are behaving themselves, just let it go.

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As I sit here in my car, nearing the end of my ‘Friday’ shift, the thermometer reads 1 (-17 2 C). I’ll be stopping on the way home for the fixings for a pot of chili tomorrow night. Chicken and wild rice soup Thursday night.


1 degree!!
Ouch. Throw some ghost peppers in that chili. lol

When did these forums get changed? Also you guys are lucky. You only need 10 characters.

They were changed back in November.


I would consider it a gross violation of my privacy and would report the post - if it’s mentioned in the thread - as doxxing, personally.

There’s a reason why I post under Alvraen; aside from her being my first level 2 posting character, it’s who I’d rather be associated with on the forums.


California complaining - it’s COOOOOOOLD! (37F, that’s right … +37F)

It is cold, though, when you miss a transfer and sit in that for half an hour with no gloves because who needs gloves? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I quite frequently pull my hands inside my jacket and pinch them shut haha

Ugh, I have finished my adulting requirements for the month. Did all my bill paying and buying essentials all in the freezing rain.