[CS LOUNGE] New Year, new thread

They’ve really been hitting it out of the park with the transmogs and accessories thus far. I absolutely appreciate all of these mini patches with this sort of thing. The content is nice of course, but I want all the pretty things.


Just saw this.


That is EU… and I thought for a second it was US and yeah.

I didn’t even look and see the EU, I just saw the post on WoWHead. >.< Fail on my part.

US updates are here

Updated to 12pm PST now, so another hour added on.


Hey there!! Good to see ya. Hope it’s going well for you, too.

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I always laugh when people try claiming “many similar MMOs don’t have to do this” when, to my knowledge, the only other MMO that comes close to the size and scope of WoW is Final Fantasy XIV.

They have 3 hour maintenance later tonight. :dracthyr_shrug:


Looks like it’s 1pm PST now (so says the launcher). I never want to play WoW more than when I can’t. Probably wouldn’t be playing now were the servers up, but since they’re not I’m just itching to play. :slight_smile:

Just like Chick-fil-a on Sundays… At least the downtime today gave me some time to go to the store and now I have a deep freezer full of tasty items!


That reminds me that I have company coming tomorrow and I REALLY need to grocery shop. Although, It is already after 3pm here which means people are getting out and I might run into them. No shopping until tomorrow after they are all at work/school.

Going to make corned beef, taters, carrots, onions, a salad, home made caraway bread, and maybe something for dessert? No idea.

OR I can tell my guest to just bring the things I want. I have the meat already so the hard/expensive part is done. We shall see how lazy I am tomorrow.


I know it was likely rhetorical, but it’s crazy all the conspiracies surrounding the ~%5 downtime per month, if we average 10 hours a week for maintenance.

Shameful of them for not throwing up threads praising when maintenance is literally less than an hour for rolling restarts, too. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I even see people complain at the EU about scheduled or emergency maintenance… In the middle of the night and I’m like; if you spin the clock hands around you will still hit someone playing best to get it at a “dead or lowest” pop time.


Same. I remember early expansion launches that went so sideways we were comped days of gametime ( a entire week, in one case).

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I got my Goblin Personal Weather Machine. Kinda neat toy. Audio is a bit loud though.

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Wow, a nice spike in trying to stay connected to the game and keep getting disconnected after a couple of minutes. I think they are getting attacked again.

I know this belongs elsewhere, but just here getting my thoughts out. I don’t think not having a cap on the amount of activities you can do is a good thing. People are already burning through the tasks, and we’ll probably be seeing posts soon enough complaining about nothing to do.

Edit: I did submit that in-game. Not brave enough for GD lol


I’m still not used to Vrak being back apparently. No need to post the minor stuff anymore, oops.


LOL You don’t need to stop. I’m happy to pop in and just reinforce what was said. :slight_smile:


I got a chuckle from u and ekon about the war table very nice.



Wakanda Forever is finally streaming.


Wakanada is what Bruce Banner would call it.