Yeah. I totally didn’t fill up multiple guild bank tabs across the bank alts and servers. Once I go through and make sure I’ve got what appearances I need to add - it’ll be sales time.
Oh no, I didn’t either at all … nope … none saved here.
Got my monk leveled from 51 to 61 finally, and once I set my talents better, I can finally do some actual damage.
Making Chicken Parmesan over noodles for dinner tonight. With a side of salad
Good advice!
Feed them marshmallows instead - they love those.
Rip lisa marie man the celebrities are dropping fast this year.
Wowhead is saying 10.5 drops on the 24th of this month.
Just reporting on Blizz’s news.
Man i am super tired today. Dragging badly.
Luckily only a few more hours and should hopefully be done.
I know the feeling all to well today. But, then again, it is raining yet again, and that tends to make me super tired and draggy. We need the rain to stop. The snow pack in Cali is almost 300% for a normal year, and the year just started. The rain is about 600% of a normal year, and the year just started.
And the drought conditions will not end due to poor storage.
Sorry, had to get that off my chest.
In other news less than 2 hours to not only playoff football, but the niners game baby.
Yeah, they have terrible water storage in Cali. The state is currently out of the extreme drought though…but then again, it was for about 2 weeks last year when we had a storm system roll through that knocked us down to out of the drought, but then right back in to it due to the state NOT building any water storage facilities. Almost every other state I have been in has water towers to store water where needed as well as large facilities in any and all major cities.
Just as an aside, I was watching a documentary about The water problems out there a couple of years ago. They claimed that it took a gallon of water to grow one almond.
So we can blame the people who drink almond milk for the water shortage? As someone who has tried to give almond milk a chance, it is nasty.
Not there fault there milking it for all its worth drops mic.
I overdid it this morning. Wore myself out before 1pm. Got ill and had to sit and chill out for a bit.
so, the …
`This bonus Trader’s Tender will also be rewarded retroactively to players who have already purchased Dragonflight.`
I want that …
Gah i hate inventory didnt have to count but half the front end staff werent scheduled till 2 so very short staff and everyone decides to shop. At costco. Lines up all the way to the meat dpt. Ty for coming to darth rant have a goodnite.