[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers

Merry Christmas and a happy winter’s veil!


Happy Holidays! :christmas_tree:

Having prime rib on the grill. Yes, it’s cold. 16 degrees. A shout out to my hubby for braving the weather to make the feast. At least the wind settled down.


Just wanted to wish all you folks a Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays of your choice.) Best wishes for the coming new year too!

:christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays :christmas_tree: :dracthyr_heart:


We did a prime rib tonight too. Used the “don’t open the oven” method where you cook it @500f for 5 mins/per 1 pound of meat and then turn the oven off and don’t open it for anything for 2 hours.

Turned out amazing!

There may also have been a half-pound of butter rubbed on it with 7 cloves of garlic, thyme, rosemary, salt and pepper.

It was SO good :wink:


Sounds delicious.

I wound up ruining a tenderloin.
My wife is a savage who doesn’t like any pink in her meat so I tried to get the tail done medium, figuring the rest of it would be medium rare.
But the whole thing overcooked while resting after it came out of the oven.

At least I have chocolate crème pie and carrot cake for consolation.


Merry Christmas!

Worked last night…going into work tonight. Two hour nap before driving down to visit family. Going to have to make the drive back tired.


This sounds delicious!!! My dad braved a heavy snow storm to grill venison one winter when I brought my Canadian internet friends over. Highlight of the trip to the US! Also seems just somehow better on the grill with the snow.

That sounds fantastic!

I did not manage to get past the panic/anxiety and drive to my sibling’s house to spend it with her and my parents. I sent things instead. Spent it quietly with my cats, home made pot roast, little ham sandwiches, etc. Will likely do a chicken, stuffing, gravy, etc when my parents come back up on Tuesday on their way North again.


Aww, that is a definite bummer.

We baked a ham, cooked a pot of peas with a ham bone, did rice pilaf, and rolls. It was just hubby and myself eating, so we will have tons of leftovers this week.


Never thought I’d see the day when Reuters would upload a click bait article but here we are.

It was a speculative piece outlining why it would be a good idea if Microsoft acquired Netflix. Except it’s written in such a way to imply it actually was a thing.

It’s not. If M$ were serious about it there would be an offer on the table. And if there were an offer on the table they have a federally mandated duty to their shareholders to let them know about such an offer.

Lots of folks on twitter being all like “OMG Microsoft buying Netflix!!!”

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Slow news day?

Wow, I must have been tired. I remember getting dad home and situated, about 8pm, and getting in my place. Then next thing I remember is waking up at 3am, still wearing my coat.


For those who celebrate it, I guess.


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Just saw this posted in GD, and I believe there are still Whovians here…



… I suppose I should log in and collect my Winter Veil gifts…


oh, hey thanks for the reminder


Oh no! I have some friends whose spouses don’t like it cooked the same way. They swear by 2 things. Nuke some for the one that wants it more well done (I don’t get that microwaving prime rib or tenderloin is the thing to do, but they swear their spouses approve). Heat up some jus or leftover juices and baste some sliced meat until it comes up in temp. Maybe something to try for next time!

I never did get teh whole well done no taste thing i prefer a nice medium rare my self.

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