[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers



Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that this holiday season brings everyone joy and love :slight_smile:

We have no plans tomorrow other than to watch the kids open their gifts and then enjoy the day as a family. It’s going to be epic :slight_smile:


Your not wrong i was starting to feel like one.

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My plans happened today with watching the Cowboys beat the Eagles. I was expecting my team to lose, but they pulled it out and still have a shot at the NFC East title if they can win the remaining 2 games and the Eagles lose their remaining 2.

My plan is to have 2 friends come over since my partner and I are doing a small meal and their families aren’t doing anything this year. Got them a small token gift so we can all have something small to open (you can’t go wrong with cocoa!). Otherwise the game plan is to stay warm since we’re still below 0 wind chills (but our actual temp is finally above 0 again!).

Just a bit on the shy side of official, seeing as it’s just a hair after 11:30p here on the east coast - but a very Merry Christmas to all!

Been baking and cleaning all day, just slipped the turkey in the oven and am about to crash for a few hours while it does it’s thing. There’ll be Christmas dinner at our house for whomever stops by to fix a plate, but I’ll have it all finished and laid out by lunchtime when I’ve got to escape over to my father’s house for a few hours. After that, I am going to kick back, eat entirely too much and round out my night with the traditional final stretch of 24 hours of “A Christmas Story”.


Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all my forum friends! I hope everyone is having an awesome weekend doing their holiday thing with friends and family, and just being happy.

My kids hosted our family Christmas Thursday night. Last year, my son got two new monitors because his mom and I neglected to coordinate our gifting. This year, I thought to avoid that issue by going off-list and got him a 3D printer. What I didn’t know is that it was on his Amazon wish list, which is why his mom also got him a 3D printer. We’ve agreed to keep each other in the loop next year. :laughing:

He’s been sending me pics all day of the things he’s printing, so far mostly game tokens and accessories for his collection of obscure and arcane board games. His gift haul included a half dozen spools of filament, and he’s already ordered another eight in various colors.


I think the Lounge needs a fireplace for this very cold holiday.


You really know how cold it is when the folks in Florida complain about how cold it is!


Currently 25ºF here in Georgia (just above Florida state line). Dipped into high teens last night.

Nero (our black lab) is all out of sorts and keeps wondering when we moved to the North Pole, lol. At least that is the face he seems to give when we open the door for him to go potty.


Feeling sentimental. This is my absolute favorite Christmas song (Mariah Carey is a distant second).


11:30 pm on the 24th still and the fireworks have been going on for the past few hours here in LA.



Merry Christmas everyone, i hope your holiday is wonderful! :heart:
I just found out my elderly father passed away so i’m very not in the holiday spirit but i truly hope my WoW “family” has the best day


Im so sorry to hear that.


My condolences.


So sorry to hear that.


It was 10 C (50 F) here yesterday. It’s 0 C (32 F) here today.

My condolences. It’s rough losing someone. Having it during the holidays doesn’t help.


I am so sorry Eledreaux. I hope you and your family can find some peace and reflection today, if nothing else.

Very quiet xmas here. I do NOT want to drive to my sister’s house on tiny icy back roads with a 4 hour round trip, half of it in the dark. I can’t do it. At least I sent presents. I am going to spend it with my cats, my little tree, some WoW, good food, and a nap. Yep.


A new year coming, going through useless things from the distant past that are still with my stuff
