[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers

Well, if it works for clearing the snow out of your driveway – perhaps it could help with the car too, lol.

Just be sure to do it “Cousin Eddie” style


Merry xmas eve all.


I"m still here for several more hours, but wanted to wish everyone a very happy holidays since I won’t be here tomorrow.

May centaur blessings be upon you all.


Kitty zoomies?

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Definitely wished for a flamethrower when I was out there at 10 pm in the dark and cold just trying to get into my car.

Just had an entertaining hour and a half, and I know some of y’all know exactly what I’m talking about. I work for Large Grocery Chain and, to my surprise, wasn’t scheduled today. I certainly didn’t ask for the day off - all of you who work or have worked in retail know that’s generally not an option - the schedule just worked out that way. But management got nervous about having enough people for some closing procedures and asked me to come in. So came in an hour before closing to help with that. Fun!


Happy Christmas Eve all! Parents were here the past two days but have gone to my sibling’s house for Xmas Eve and Xmas day. They come back here Monday I think.

I am invited but I seriously think I am not going to be able to get past the horrible panic attacks and drive the 4 hour round trip I would have to do. I have not driven that far in many many years. Also old car.

I sent presents though! FYI, trying to get bread to rise in a cold house is a challenge and I wanted to send some. I FINALLY got it to rise and got what I think is a good bake. I just got a text they had the crusty rustic bread with dipping oil and it came out fantastic! Yay!


Made it safe to my partner’s home, just in time to celebrate with her family! Merry Christmas Eve!


So there seems to exist an Elite spawn of a Vrak in a bad mood? Not a centaur though.


Ohhh. I haven’t heard of this. There’s a shield too!


Spicy Vrak was not on my 2022 bingo card.


Mine either! Blue, white, and spitting sparks! I shall now have to keep in mind the dangers of summoning the Sparkspitter Vrak.


What I did was heat about 1 liter of water in the microwave for a few (maybe five) minutes, pan up the dough, then place the pans in the microwave with the bowl of water. Cover with a towel and let the dough rise until about doubled in size. It didn’t take all that long to rise, either.


I used to keep a car cover on mine so that all I had to do was pull it off the car, and no ice on the windows and no doors frozen shut. People would look at me weird when I would get to a shopping center and put the car cover on, but then they would be trying to pry their doors open and I wouldn’t.


I understand that 100% as a fellow retail worker this week wouldve been busier but were in a deep freeze.

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Brilliant! I was using the oven with the light on which is usually around 78-80 F. I was not thinking it through though. I have an old house. My oven was very cold, the flour, bowl, etc were very cold. Next time I am going to briefly turn on the oven with a pizza stone and some cast iron in there to hold heat. Get it to 80 or so then turn it off and let the bowl/flour warm up. Make the dough, then put it in there to rise in a constant temp oven. Should work. I almost tried it today but I would have had to get up super early and it would have woken up my elderly parents who were visiting.

The feedback I got was the bread was excellent. Dad described the crumb as having small spaces, which is NOT what I was going for. I wanted more of a sourdough style open crumb. Still, it was a win for how difficult it all was to get it rising.

Might add some water to the oven when I do that warm oven rise trick.


Or maybe preheat “a little” (keep an eye on the temp), like you said with how you were thinking about starting out with warmer equipment.

I’ve heard of the oven light trick, but like you said, it doesn’t heat all that much. That, and I need to replace mine… :wink:


Right, that is the plan. My microwave is too small to use as a proofer. I have to use the oven so I will preheat, then take the temp so I know what it is and don’t over heat the dough. I want happy yeast.


Our deep freeze started on Thursday, so what we got on Wednesday was the usual holiday traffic plus the usual pre-weather traffic. For us, what that looks like is: “Gosh, I might need to stay home for a day or two. I definitely need to go and buy six weeks’ worth of groceries today!” It was total insanity. Do you get that too?

Thursday was slow but yesterday and what I saw of today looked like back to the usual.


Yep and i had to go outside and be a cart money for 30 min in -40 weather.