[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers

One year in Texas, we went from high 70s during the day to 5 by 9pm.

Depends on where you live, I lived in Austin for 17 years.

That was up in the DFW area.

Just north of San Bernardino and SB National Forest! I’ll be there til about Monday, so I’m definitely escaping the polar vortex for now haha.

Wokenuo to 1 degree temp. But the roads look good so cannot complain. We will slowly work our way abive freezing through the weekend.

Finished my shopping. Need to wrap 2 things and i will be completely done.


Well, guess Kyzera decided to go into hibernation … I am now just a blank icon.

And my poor Hunter is falling through the world in Azure Span – slipped through a hole in a cave.

Oh well, time for a nap anyways …


I sent my sister a link to the latest “State of the Sanderson”, which is Brandon Sanderson’s blog, regarding the “secret” projects he’s releasing through 2023. It’s worth a read, if you have (quite) a bit of free time.

My sister asked if his blog posts were always that long. Me: “You have seen his books, right?” :rofl:


stares at her paperback copy of Oathbringer

…yeah. XD


Was laying here trying to pull up the Twitch Drop article and the rain downpour suddenly shifted to sleet/hail that sounded like it was trying to pound through my roof.

I’ve got a funeral to attend in a few hours. Having to go out in this mess is going to suck something fierce.


So far still good on the power front, though the county has closed the roads.
Temp is a “warm” -9, with a wind chill of -35.
Could definitely feel it punch me in the face when I went outside to take some brief photos of the snow. National Weather Service ain’t kidding when they say you can get frostbite in under 30 minutes with it this cold!

Now for some hot chocolate. :dracthyr_tea:


You can’t just say that and not share with the group…


I mean I do have one of those holiday bundle packs from Walmart that has like 16 packs, y’all are welcome to have some! :dracthyr_comfy_green:


we are sitting at a nice balmy 17 degrees here, not to thrilled with the 70 MPH wind gusts though.

It’s 5 here with 40 mph winds. At least we didn’t get a ton of snow. Hardly any actually.

Most of the snow & heavy wind is west of us towards Buffalo. It’s bad enough there that we closed all our stores until Monday. We aren’t shipping anything from the distribution center that I work at or any of the others until Monday Morning.

Getting ready for my New Years Eve BBQ. Gonna have Sausage, Chicken, Pork Ribs, Hamburgers and Hot Dogs for the Kids.



The ghost of Christmas Kyzera. Your avatar went on vacation without you.


We are having a Christmas day BBQ. I sure hope the wind settles down by then. :cut_of_meat: :potato:

We are just doing a Charcuterie board and hors d’oeuvres. Hosting this year with all the kids, grandkids and my sister her kids and mom. Easier on us with 18 coming over.