[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers

You get a +1 for spelling all that.


Sigh pure chaos today if ever wondered costco counts every member by the card we dont count the addons we radio in the door counts every 30 min door counts have been 350 and thats not includings the extras.

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My son still works at Target and says it’s insane there. I’m glad I retired from that. :dracthyr_nod:


I worked in the stores for Wegmans for 23 years, moved to distribution 11 years ago and don’t miss the snowstorm/holiday chaos.


That is in one of the colder areas of the state and it could be icy and cold up that way.

Well, today’s been grand and I’m not even on the road yet.

Was already running late to my post-op followup appointment when I needed to brake suddenly, and… my brakes wouldn’t catch. I wasn’t stopping. So I overcorrected to avoid a collision and… ended up in a snowbank I couldn’t get out of by myself.

A few good Samaritans stopped to help out, thank goodness, but I missed my appointment. Got it rescheduled for next week after I get back.


Now they have to pronounce it.

Glad you weren’t injured, but I can imagine that was very scary.

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Glad you are okay, that is definitely one part of driving in Ohio I do not miss.


If it’s the Costco by the airport, I shop there all the time. It’s worse this year than it has been the last few years getting around the place, yet I will always go there at the worse times for hotdogs. So chances are we have crossed paths and not ever known it. Lmao

One of my friends sent me an early Christmas present today. Freeze dried Skittles and gummi worms! I have to make myself not eat the whole bag at once, these are so cool!

There was also a ton of different kinds of tea. Now I know what I’ll be doing till Christmas day! lol

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I like leaving Skittles mixed with M&Ms at the office and watch people’s reactions.


Nope not the nisku location the one in st. Albert.

Good evening friends and Happy Christmas Eve Eve. Is there somewhere I can ask questions about the current storyline, like maybe a spoiler forum or something? I was poking around and couldn’t find anything. I just saw a major event and wanted to ask questions but I don’t want to step foot in GD right now lol.

You could probably post in the Quests forum, Water. You might want to include Spoiler:
in the title and then the quest or storyline you are referring to.


General should be fine, but you can also mark it as spoiler, if it makes you more comfortable. You could also try the Quests forum.

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Thank you oh gracious centaur. I have a remedy to get those flies out of your face btw. It’s called soap and comes in multiple variations and scents.

Another spot you can try is over in the Story part of the Lore forum. Again, I would highly suggest marking it as SPOILERS, and perhaps making use of the “Hide details” spoilery cut thing because people will still click, or the preview will still kind of give away what you’re asking.

Helps to save people…

Clickity Click

…from themselves.


You are so kind, thank you!! Happy Holidays to you and yours <3


Hush now those flies are his search and retrieval flies there in a symbiotic relationship.