[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers

So far we’ve got the “warm” air and jumped to 40. Can’t wait to plummet to -2 tonight…


Missouri missed an opportunity for a great marketing slogan. Instead of the “Show-Me state,” it should be “Missouri loves company.”

Summer sausage is in the oven for eight hours of low and slow cooking. Smells pretty awesome in here.

5 pounds ground beef
5 teaspoons sugar-based curing mixture (such as Morton Tender Quick)
¼ cup mustard seed
3 tablespoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon salt
½ teaspoon hickory-flavored liquid smoke

In a large bowl, mix beef, curing mixture, mustard seed, garlic powder, cayenne, red pepper flakes, salt, and liquid smoke. Cover with plastic, and refrigerate for three days, mixing well once a day.

On the fourth day, preheat oven to 200 degrees F (100 degrees C).

Shape the mixture into five logs, and place on a wire rack over a large drip pan. Bake for eight hours, then remove to cool on paper towels. Let cool, then wrap logs individually in plastic wrap. Chill completely before slicing. They also freeze well.


Kharma is biting my dear ol’ dad’s rear. After a handful of smug text about the 50 degree difference in our temperatures, I notice this morning that he’s under a wind chill advisory until Saturday, and a hard freeze warning until Christmas morning.

Not so funny now, is it, Dad? :smiling_imp:


Well ive got my vacation planned instead of seperating 4 weeks im gona take them at once and probably stay in palm springs for a m9nth in june.


We did pur resident Christmas party today. Decided to dress the part and wore my chef coat. Bought it Tuesday just for today. Food was a hit and people liked the look. My biss and i looked good standi g there wearing them.


Did you have a chef hat as well?

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What about your bass and buss and bess???

On a side note, I got my 4th class to 70 now so time to figure out which will be my 5th. Probably destro lock.

Currently, have ret pally, dev evoker, bm hunter, and havok DH.

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Well, looks like my kids get to start their holidays a day early this year thanks to the winter storm heading our way!

For those in its path, please stay safe!! We’ve got food, heat, and everything we need in the event of a prolonged power outage, but we’re hoping for the best!


How did you find playing Destro in Dragonflight?
Thinking about making that my next toon through the expansion.

Ech. I have had zero energy the last few days (physical fatigue and brain fog), but I still have things to do before I leave for SoCal tomorrow.

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I have had that since my bout with Covid a few years back, I’m one of the long hauler, my taste just started to come back.


I’ve had issues with my breathing since I had Covid last year, but the fatigue and brain fog is just part of my psych disabilities (ASD and ADHD-C). Though I wouldn’t be surprised if CV19 made it worse.


I know covid made my disabilities much worse.


The weather service cancelled the Winter Storm Warning early here, and the snow has probably stopped, but it’s still going to be brutally cold here for the next couple days. Plenty of food, plenty of WoW to play, and even a book to read to mix things up (I still haven’t finished the latest Stormlight Archive book, and the Kickstarter books start up next month).

It’s hard to say just how much snow we’ve gotten - there are spots where you can see grass poking through the snow, and spots where the snow is a few inches deep from drifting.


That’s what they have been saying about my part of Ohio. My captain called me earlier inquiring about if my little wagon would be able to make it through the snow. I told him i will give it a shot if it don’t do well i will hook the battery back up in my truck aka Jezebel at least i know she’ll go through the snow like it’s not even there.

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Just vacuumed around my bed and hoo boy I’m now exhausted. Stupid cv19.

So far, destro is fun. Not as easy going as havok DH was, but still fun.

What part of SoCal? We are expecting temps in the mid 70s over the weekend for highs and mid 40s at night in the LA area.

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The snowflakes have started to fall, as have the temps, but still more cold to go.
23 degrees now, we’re set to fall to -3 with a wind chill in the -20s. :snowflake:

As long as the power holds I’ll be set…
If it doesn’t, I will cry and uh… perhaps I’ll take up knitting or something. :dracthyr_comfy_blue:
…Or stop being lazy and do some cleaning around the house before Christmas. :dracthyr_sweat: :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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Ugh its only gona get worse in alberta


Friends, here it’s in the 40s, it’s about to start dropping fast. By 2am it will be 20 degrees and by morning it will be 7. Yeah, 7 degrees.