[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers

They’ve revised my area to 2-4" snow likely but we sit in the super cold air longer. -30F wind chill for 48 hours straight will be fun… Also going to get like 60 mph wind gusts so hopefully the power doesn’t go. (I’m going to jinx myself now, aren’t I :dracthyr_sweat: :dracthyr_cry_animated:)

You got me there. Probably comes in a box. :grin:

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I decided on a Pinot Grigio called “Barefoot”

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They finally issued a winter storm warning. They are calling for 7 inches of snow, and 50 mph winds. Ugh. Snow in the face. :cloud_with_snow:

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Any wine you can drink goes best.

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Just make sure you don’t overdo it. Seeing that combo a second time would be quite icky. :dracthyr_nod:


Hmmm perhaps any wine of the red or white colour, it may have a bold or mild flavour, and any age would do, though the older the better.

Bourbon goes better with sausage, and you can marinate the sausage in the bourbon before cooking it.


Guess i gota lvl a orc and human wonder if it will be max lvl or 60.


This pretty much sums up alberta right now.


Makes the Bisquick soggy.

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OR as someone i game with regulary rum and coke goes well.

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Fireball and cream soda. Jameson and (Cherry) Coke. Gin and Tonic.
I’ve got some 160-proof butterscotch-flavored rum that my dear departed mom used to add to her hot tea. Dad prefers it with 7-Up, I think it goes well with cream soda.

Lately I’ve been enjoying the occasional Geiss.
1/2L dark beer
1/2L German Coke (Mexican Coke is the best I can do stateside)
1 shot of Cognac
Optional shot of Kischwasser if you want a Cherry Geiss

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The universal kitten distribution system activated yesterday for me.

I had my front door open yesterday, to let some fresh air in as I was on the computer. I heard a tiny meow and I look behind me and I saw a smokey grey kitten, about 4-5 months old, sitting in my bedroom. He just waltzed right in and made himself at home. I was like “okay?”. He found the food and water and used the litterbox. Bellatrix and Butters were none too pleased. They eyeballed him the entire time, but there is no overt aggression. Thank you, God, for giving me another mouth to feed. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yep, you were chosen. Congratulations!


Gonna boil some eggs right now. Planning to make me a batch of Spicy Red Miso Ramen today.

Spicy Miso Ramen

The Broth

  • 4 cups of chicken broth, low sodium
  • 2 tbs of Red Miso Paste
  • 2 tbs of Hot Chili Oil
  • 1 tbs of Garlic Chili Paste
  • 1 stalk of baby bok choy
  • 2 cups of sh_take sliced mushrooms

The noodles

  • 2 packages of instant ramen noodles, toss the seasoning packet

The toppings

  • 1 hard boiled egg, shelled and marinated in soy sauce or mirin.
  • diced green onion
  • 1/2 cup of sweet corn
  • a little bit of dried seaweed strips

In a sauce pot, boil a couple of eggs for about 7 1/2 minutes, then drop in cold water to cool, peel and put in a ziplock bag with some Soy Sauce or Mirin and let marinate in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Boil ramen noodles till soft, drain and set aside.

To make the sauce, add to a large sauce pot, the chicken broth, red miso paste,chili oil, garlic chili paste, baby bok choy and mushrooms. Bring to a boil then simmer. (Trick: mix the miso paste with a couple of tablespoons of warm water to prevent lumps, then add to broth).

To serve, split ramen noodles to two bowls (or in my case one big bowl), pour broth over noodles. Top with an marinated egg, cut in half, corn, green onion, seaweed strips.

Enjoy. :yum:


Rawr! Just saying hi.


Temp plummeting here. Dropped over 10 degrees on my drive to work. Had to stop a few tines to denicw my windshield.

Now a real light fine snow is falling. The kind that the 40 moh winds are foing to whip around and kill visibility. Fonna be a day folks.


Same here. It was relatively decent when I left for my walk this morning, but by the time I got home, it was noticeably colder and windier. I just took the dog out, and we’ve apparently gotten a bit of freezing rain, but it’s switching over to snow. And it’s a lot colder.

I’ll wave at it as it flies by.

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Hasn’t hit me yet, and I’ll get it before Austin does.

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