[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers

I remember my first middle of winter night ride on horseback. There may or may not have been a flask of Goldschläger involved.

Brandy was very good when we visited Romania during winter. They had taken us into the mountains above the village and cooked a small meal for lunch. We sipped brandy while watching the snow fall over the village.

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It has been cold and rainy here today so I made a large pot of chicken tortilla soup. It was very yummy.

I was in Colorado one year for the 4th of July and went to 4 Corners and we had a massive snow storm overnight on the 3rd.


I have actually watched a blizzard in the middle of June. Granted I was in the Swiss Alps at the time, but it was still beautiful to watch in the middle of the night while I caught up on my research logs.

I was doing study abroad to examine the ‘Arthropod Diversity & Ecology of the Swiss Alps’. Our group was studying the effects of altitude on diversity.




Vrakthris, it is 10:30p PST/12:30a CST, what are you doing here.

They better be paying you overtime!

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I was loading up Ovewatch to do my dailies before switching over to WoW to continue the campaign story for my main. :stuck_out_tongue:


Offers some decaffinated egg nog so u dont stay up too late.

Umm…does eggnog ever have caffeine in it? Certainly not the sort we make! I did post the recipe earlier in this thread I think.

What do u think the server centaurs run on during the holdays tea earl grey defcaff.

I have never had eggnog … not sure it would be something I would like though.

There’s a memorial on the main trail up Mt. Washington in New Hampshire where seven people died in a July blizzard.


Every year so many people die in the White Mountains. People think because they are not super high, that they are safe. Quite the opposite. The poor college student that just died was so hard on those I know up there.

My dad has done Mt. Washington many times. Also all the 4000 footers. I have done some. He is friends with the folks who go searching, and find those who don’t make it.


There were 2 deaths in the storm I mentioned. They tried using a kerosene heater inside of a tent to stay warm.

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I also did the 40 over 4000. Might have bumped into your dad along the way.

My mom made it into one of the Appalachian Trail guidebooks because she would leave a jar of cookies attached to a tree alongside the trail that passed through her property. Sometimes she had to shoo away the bears hanging around the jar.


You might have! He is almost 80 now and after several back surgeries a bit slowed down. He did Zealand Falls Hut overnight this year though! First trek since the last surgery. Dad also did the Vermont Long Trail. He did not get into it until almost retirement age so AT is not a thing yet, although he has done parts of it just because it was there. He is more into red lining the Whites.

How kind of your mum! Everyone likes cookies.

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I was doing some de-cluttering today while work was quiet. Found a stack of (badly scratched) DVDs, including not only a WindowsXP install, but also Office 2003.

Yes, I’m a pack rat.


Blech -40 or colder with windchilll didnt have to do shopping carts if i wasnt dressed for it but im a honest employee i said i was.


They are telling us we will get 4 to 12 inches of snow Friday. I hope they narrow that down a bit. That is an awfully big range. 4 inches is a piece of cake with a Michigan car. 12 inches is doable if you have to go out, but not recommended unless you really need that bag of chips and bottle of wine. :wine_glass: :potato:


Our snow got changed to torrential rain and 50+ mph wind.
Picked up a couple of bottles of wine today “just in case”.
Was tough trying to figure out what wine goes best with sausage balls and rice pudding.