[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers

THe matrix is slowly crashing either that or the server centaurs had too much egg nog.


For me it happens when I decide to run multiple instances of the game at max graphics.

Oh darn, I used my limit of flags again. People really gotta quit with the trolling. It’s quite frustrating. PS I hope everyone had a great weekend. Christmas only a week away, so excited.

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Vrak’s alter ego?


It’s possible Vrak is simply moonlighting as a mall Santaur for some extra Xmas money.
But it’s also possible there are Clark Kent/Superman parallels to be drawn here.

Weird tangent - Does Santaur pull his own sleigh?


Sounds like my collector’s edition pre-order. Gear Store finally updated my order to Shipped about 5 days after I received it.

But yeah, similar for me when I got my passport last year. Picked expedited in early January and was expecting it in March. It came less than two weeks after I sent everything in. I was actually confused when it arrived, because I wasn’t expecting any packages.

It looks like we will get a white Christmas this year! :christmas_tree: :snowflake:

And the Lions are still scary but hanging in there.

Plan on a prime rib roast on the grill for Christmas dinner. Smoked baked potatoes and a fruit salad. I have the roast, just need to shop for this week’s meals and I will stay home until after all the fuss is over. We will be going out to dinner on Friday at our favorite local Chinese restaurant. Will give a Christmas size tip like we usually do this time of year, but we have a card with an extra tip for the waitress who serves us every time we go. She knows us so we don’t have to ask for minus green peppers on every order. She’s wonderful.


:microphone: I won’t ask for much this Christmas
I won’t even wish for snow :microphone:


Anything I don’t have to shovel works for me.


We had to get a new snowblower last year. Hardly used it. Hubby is looking forward to a decent snow. If you can get rid of it with a leaf blower, it’s a wimpy snow.


Just grinding away the lvls in pkm scarlet i was doing good till i hit endgame and well not so much.

Got my 4th class to 65 already so this one will make one from each faction when I get it to 70, and 4th 70 over all.

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Okay so had an alt (Void Elf Spriest) trying to do the Shattrath fishing daily (Crocolisks in the City). I was fishing all over SW and not getting any drop. So I decided to take a quick trip to ORG (via Shrine port to Ratchet) to see if that would be better luck. Couple of casts later and bam, got my baby croc.

Gonna test with few more Alliance alts to see if SW stays bugged and will ofc make a bug report if so.


Us too, most likely. We’re supposed to get 2-4 inches Wednesday night into Thursday, and then the temps bottom out. We go from a high on Thursday (morning) of 30, then it drops to -7 Thursday night, with some pretty strong wind, so the wind chills will be somewhere around -freezemytailoff (-30 or so).


My area is expecting a bit of snow but they don’t know too much yet. One thing’s for sure we’re going to drop near 0 after Friday and stay there through the end of the weekend which will be fun.

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I must be east of you, because we’re getting 6-12 inches Thursday night into Friday. Friday will be single-digits with 35 MPH winds. -20 wind chill.

Related, I’m working from home Friday and not leaving.


We get freaky warm weather and rain before it dives down to 14F. As in, 56F to 14F in the same day. That should be “fun”. I will not be going out either.

Parents get here tomorrow and stay most of a week. Sibling wants us to come to her house for Xmas, but we shall see if I can manage that drive. It is only a bit over an hour but I almost NEVER drive anymore so that is scary.

Right now is menu planning for the week parents are here and then I need to go shopping. My goal is not to leave the house unless I have to!


My goal this week is just to not leave the house/apartment at all.


That is going to blow south pretty hard and hit us Thursday as well

I can already feel the storm in my back, quads, calves, and feet.