[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers

Pretty well shaken, yeah. >.< Set the tone for the rest of the day, too, apparently; getting through the mountain passes was stressful, especially since I had to do it in the dark. I didn’t get on the road til 1p MST.

Man, I go to live in Texas for a couple years and I forget how to drive in snow. D:<


Ah hell, two hyper cats racing around the apartment.


Oh god i so sympathize.


I’ve been in AZ for 25 years now, I can’t imagine having to drive in the snow again.


Currently your Trust Level is at 2 I do believe (from a cursory look at your .json data page). You will need Trust Level 3 to post pictures.

Also want to mention that if you look at your own .json data page, you will see more information than we would, so do not be alarmed at seeing personal data there (as it doesn’t show for anyone else).

Keep posting, reading, liking posts and your Trust Level should increase.

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*shakes fist in NYer"

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I lived in Texas for 20 years and then returned to the Midwest where I grew up. I can deal with the cold (usually; last 2 days were ridiculous). I can deal with driving in the snow. The thing that drives me right up the wall is that whenever there is freezing rain - which is more often than not at the beginning of snow events here - my car doors and windows freeze shut. One night I was afraid I would have to sleep at work because I couldn’t pry any of my car doors open. Had to go back in the store (where I work) and buy de-icing spray and wait for it to seep into the cracks around the door.

It’s just an added bonus that when the car is frozen shut, the ground will often be extremely icy too. It’s extra hard to pry open the door when you have no traction!


my car parks outside 24/7 and that never happens to me. Where are you going that it happens on a regular basis?

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! I hope everyone has a great holiday. I will be spending time with my mom this Christmas and I can’t wait. It’s been some time since I’ve seen her.

Be safe out there! Especially in bad weather!

:snowman: :snowflake:


We have two cars of the same make and model but different years. One of the cars will almost always have stuck doors if it rains and then freezes, the other car, almost never.

My go to snow car is an old RAV4 5 speed stick with a locking differential. Doors on that thing freeze up if a frost follows a heavy dew. I keep a small scraper made out of tough plastic behind the external spare just to pry the drivers door open during the winter.

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ahhh, ok makes sense

Yeah, I got a new (used but new to me) car in September and was hoping it would freeze up less, but it’s already done it once a couple of days ago, though that day the driver’s door was fortunately the only one that wasn’t stuck. The one good thing is that it has door handles that are a loop you put your hand through, which gives way more grip than the old car, which had the kind that you put your fingers under and lift.

I keep ice scrapers and de-icer in the trunk, which is usually easier to open when frozen.

Gotta love Midwestern winters. Stay safe out there everyone!


Flame thrower would solve all of that. Maybe overkill? :thinking:



Well, if it works for clearing the snow out of your driveway – perhaps it could help with the car too, lol.

Just be sure to do it “Cousin Eddie” style


Merry xmas eve all.


I"m still here for several more hours, but wanted to wish everyone a very happy holidays since I won’t be here tomorrow.

May centaur blessings be upon you all.


Kitty zoomies?

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Definitely wished for a flamethrower when I was out there at 10 pm in the dark and cold just trying to get into my car.

Just had an entertaining hour and a half, and I know some of y’all know exactly what I’m talking about. I work for Large Grocery Chain and, to my surprise, wasn’t scheduled today. I certainly didn’t ask for the day off - all of you who work or have worked in retail know that’s generally not an option - the schedule just worked out that way. But management got nervous about having enough people for some closing procedures and asked me to come in. So came in an hour before closing to help with that. Fun!