Theres this place in saskatchewan never could spell the stupid thing that sells a volcano pizza 1 being mild 5 being screaming hot and its not a exageration.
I’ve been walking into spider webs all summer at night while at work. Two hours later the same spider is part-way done rebuilding the web.
I had to kill a black widow last week too.
I lived in Reno for nearly 4 years, so I know the town and lake, even if I never got down there. Reno has a burger called the “Awful Awful” from a dive restaurant in the back of a seedy downtown casino. Simply amazing.
Five Guys is outstanding, too. My advice for Five Guys is the same as was posted earlier:
TBH I rarely got a burger at Whataburger. Chicken strips with gravy was my favorite. There are definitely better burgers in central Houston. I guess I should say “were” since I left almost 15 years ago and don’t know what’s still there.
Other than some friends, the food is the main thing I miss about Houston. And even though I do miss Whataburger, it wouldn’t even make the top ten for places I’d want to eat first if I went back.
Yeah they do have good flavor also their fries are freshly cut and offered in a Cajun type seasoning that is good but either way their fresh cut fries are awesome and when you order a large fry get ready for enough for 3 to eat at least.
Black Widows are all over the place here and tomorrow I’ve got to deal with some nests I found late this evening.
Snakes I can handle because usually they’re easily seen in time but ever since I was a teenager when I got what we call here in the south a “Writing” spider tangled in my hair (Unique Zig Zag webbing design going up and down from the webs center) Old folks tale is not to say your name around them or they will write your name in the web and you die…LOL)
It wasn’t until I got down here to Texas that I learned Detroit style pizza is actually a thing, because I grew up on the stuff. There’s even a place not that far away from me called Via 313. I have yet to try it, but I absolutely intend to.
Waited until 10.23. Ah well.
/tar Alvie
Google maps can be so weird on directions sometimes.
I don’t think I have ever been this happy about finally completing an achievement.
I have been working on it since Timeless went live.
Excuse me while I go /dance.
I am sooooo green with envy. Even doing Timeless when it was current on 23 characters didn’t give me all the items. (Have/had the cloak on 12 characters and almost the 13th when WoD launched).
i haven’t been able to get all the items myself, though i’ve gotten some of them. never did get the cloak, but c’est la vie.
How many do you have left before it completes?
I think it was at least a couple years or so of just needing the Rain Stone and another item. That was getting very frustrating!
I didn’t have as many as you did working on while it was current, but it was still about half I guess. Kyzera was only one to get cloak though.
Last year or so I have just been working on it on my Ravenholdt/Twisting Nether toons since it was so deserted there for them.
Thank you!
I have characters on the Oceanic realms. I could farm on those. But I would have to stop leveling characters, doing pet battles, farming mats, farming transmog, fishing, etc.
Grats Kyzera. Do you have to have the legendary cloak to get that achievement? I never got it.
Oh I understand.
I have 7 at max right now, but I have stopped focusing on leveling any more to 120 for the time being. The 16 alts I have that are 111+ will just level passively. So for now, they are useful for farming (esp. for legacy loot).
I am still leveling 7 Allied Races for their Heritage Armor.
I need as many farming as I can find. Gotta make all the gold I can with Blizzcon, game time, & the new RaF program coming soon.
No, the cloak is not required since there are other methods (such as the bird taxi) for reaching the area around Ordos that don’t require the cloak. Just don’t enter the courtyard surrounding Ordos or get too close to the wall that surrounds it and you won’t get ported out.
11 120s, 28 110+, 6 90-100, 5 under 70.
I thankfully finished all mine. I’ll have to delete characters if they make any new Allied Races.
For gold, do the first three Pandaren raids. Mogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring as Heroic 25-man if you can. Do them on LFR as well. Vendor almost all the gear. Most of greens don’t sell on the AH. Vendor the tier tokens. They are worth 50 gold as-is and around 10 gold as the gear. You can get around 5k gold per character doing just them.
Yeah, I do the MoP & WoD raids on LFR then start working on running them on other difficulties if I have time. Also do Cata raids if I have time. As well as the emissaries that give 2k on my 120s.
I craft mounts for sale as I can too, just wish the prices hadn’t crashed on my server.
7 @ 120 | 16 @ 111+ | 2 @ 95-105 | 1 frozen @ 80 | 16 @ 20-60
Of those 16 from 20-60, there are 9 that are just bank alts or parked toons.
I leveled my bank alts. I can’t have some level 1 hanging out with all the others.