[CS Lounge]: Maps and naps

i know how you feel mer…i’ve been waking up anywhere between 3-5 over the past few weeks, and it’s been driving me insane. >.<

just remember what happened the last time you targeted her pets like that. xP

Gamewise, I had a productive day. Finished my War Campaign and got my Heritage Set for Thundertotem here. Just one or two quests away from getting exalted with the Honorbound (looking forward to unlocking the Mag’har Orcs).

Real Life, not so productive…just made a batch of enchilada soup, and that was about it.

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That actually sounds really really good

Tonight is a dinner for the youngest. He has been asking for these baked potatoes for forever and a day, or at least the last month. So, today he got them, and didn’t even know it until it was time to eat.

Bake a nice big potato, add your meat of choice, in our case tonight it is some cubed boneless skinless chicken breast (I don’t make this often cuz I really don’t enjoy cutting the chicken. It isn’t that it is hard, it is just so tedious haha) and blologna. Put some oil in a skillet and get to a good heat. Drop your chicken in and make sure it is well seasoned and cook it.

When the chicken is done, pull it from the pan and chunk up your bologna. I purchase the thick cut just to make it a little easier. Drop it in the oil and let it fry on up to bring that flavor out without fully charring it.

Cut the potato open, layer your chicken and bologna, or meat(s) of choice, add some ranch dressing (one of our local pizza places is known for its ranch and they sell it as a stand alone, made fresh every day…yummay) and add some BBQ sauce. Put cheese on top and put in microwave for about 45 seconds to a minute. Just long enough to start to melt the cheese so it is more likely to stay with every bite.

It is a very filling, relatively inexpensive meal

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Well, it’s a waiting game for me now. Every year, during the transition from summer to fall and the temperature abruptly drops. I get sick for a few days.

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Aye I love that!! I totally agree, when i first loaded up classic and open my bags and saw 0 copper, I thought here I go again! lol! Its been a blast tho:) Im having more fun now that im in a guild thats very small, but everyone is around my level and progressing through BRD still! They still need a tank, and yours truly is fitting that role! Haha. Sadly its like 13 members, however they’re really close and like to be close with one another, so thats pretty sweet! Im looking at that pug life for classic atm! lol! But im use to it in retail, I talked to some other raiders on my server who pug only and they put my mind at ease.

Gonna swap back over to retail next week, or divide my time on both, still want to get some BiS on classic and at least get through all of mc but well see! One guild is interested in me to be one of their main tanks for team 2, its just I would have to leave my current guild which I kinda don’t wanna do, and then get serious about gearing and rushing to 60 haha, im almost there tho!

Gonna be coming home tomorrow from my vaycay! So ill be more WoW involved! haha, my 15th wow anniversary collector’s arrived as well! So im very excited about that!

I also restarted skyrim for the 100000th time but on the switch! ;D Its fun not playing on PC because I can’t command code, however I do miss my QOL mods and well all my mods >.> Deathwing Alduin, Sulfuras hammer, doomhammer, ashbringer.

Its making me think of the glitches back when I had it on xbox 360 in 2011 lol! who wins? one solid 20 ton steel iron door or 1 wooden plate? LOL! That item is so broken im actually finding easier ways to get through walls to vendors chests, like instead of hopping on the barrels in whiterun entrance to get outside the map, you can use the wooden plate at the companions walls which will drop you right on top of the blacksmiths pocket/chest.

I spent like 1 hour last night trying to get a NPC chest in the blue palace, I kept missing the landing so it would TP me back to the entrance, lol! Gonna see what else I can break in skyrim with a wooden plate LOL!

Its a bit odd running around in tamriel with a master sword covered in blood, my amiibo’s still haven’t coughed up the hyrule shield yet, I gave Lydia the champions tunic.

You know, when it’s not repetitive. Tiny baby crying is actually pleasant to listen to.
Of course, my roommates baby is tiny and tired as he was three weeks early.


i submitted a suggestion last night about mount equippment…wasn’t aware that you’re stuck with whatever you put in, and you can’t replace it without outright destroying it.

seems a bit wrong IMO, as some of this stuff can be fairly expensive, especially on RP…okay, i’m getting a bit ahead of myself here… ._.

it’s raining today…didn’t really wanna go out to run errands, so i think i’ll just spend the day, working on my Hunter, trying to get him closer to his goal, of returning to the Broken Isles.

I’ve been thinking about if I want to work on unlocking Mechagnomes but I don’t really want to have to do the dungeon needed. I got lucky with Siege of Boralus as no one in my group had been there before. They were all willing to stick around to get it done even though we were all making mistakes and we had several wipes. My main’s guild can’t help as very few people in it are playing at the moment.

I know it probably seems silly to most of you, but I get nervous in random dungeons these days. Like, super nervous. Hands sweating and heart pounding nervous. Trying to get over it but no luck yet.


I wish they’d given Alliance Sethrak rather than yet another version of an existing race. And that way Alliance gets a “monster” and Horde get a “cute” race.

And Vulpera need bigger fluffier tails. I’m talking Pepe LePui


I would have liked tails as an option for Worgen. >.>


It makes no sense for us to grt them but I wish Horde got Sethrak haha.

Though yeah, I thought Vulpera and Sethrak were the next allied races. Figured Horde would get foxes and alliance snakes.


Another one of “those days” at work.

Messaged my boss saying we will need help to a message back of I will see what I can do but my mom passed this week.

Man I feel for hin. Family is everything to him and his mom and dad are the top of his pyramid.

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That was my wish too. The Mechagnome option could have been a Barber Shop or a creation option.

When I first saw you post this a few days ago I thought they put skinny tails. A big relief that it’s just not fluffy enough.

Are you implying something? :thinking:

Lol. No implication.

The story of Volduun was enough to convince me Horde would get Vuloera. I was guessing a race most I talked tk wanted would go Alliance, and that was Sethrik.

Though foxes and snakes. Matt Cauthon could be making an appearance come to think of it haha.


i’m not really big on Mechagnomes honestly…but that’s mostly cause they’re another reskin of a race we already have. .-.


That was my point earlier. Just another variant of an existing race. We have what now?
4 different elves?
2 Orcs?
2 Dwarves?
And now 2 Gnomes?

Fanatics’ support information is out of date, and there’s no way to opt out of spam until after you’d received it. They also don’t respect e-mail address updates, and I can’t seem to find any information about deleting my account.

I also failed to read the agreements because I assumed this was a Blizzard service, and am regretting that now.

This has not been a wonderful experience.

I’m on my phone currently, but I know that I saw a phone # yesterday. Have you tried that?

Found it, thanks. I was distracted where their 24/7 chat support page noted that their chat was presently unavailable.

The short story is the first phone rep told me to use the site to remove my account, and was altogether unhelpful. The second rep was significantly better.

Their phone system is a tad dodgy though - instead of forwarding me to a survey which I was happy to complete, it just closed the call. :X