[CS Lounge] It's dangerous to go alone, take this!

God bless the National Guard and all those in retail, and medical aid for what they do.

/hugs Kyzera

doing some side work on my Dwarf Hunter, as i forgot to do some dungeons and wouldn’t mind grinding old rep, just cause…totallynotbecausehesgotSkollasacompanionoranythingofthatsort. <.< >.>


Need to do the same for my fridge. One roommate still, after a year and a half, has trouble understanding that we are six people sharing one fridge. He hasn’t come to terms with the fact that we simply don’t have the space for everyone to lay in two weeks of supplies.

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I was totally going to delete my Hunter on Khaz’goroth. She had been camped in Grizzly Hills. I logged in to find Arcturis up, no one camping it. Tamed the ghost bear and didn’t delete the character. My hunter on that realm has two ghost bears now. The joy of playing on an Oceanic realm in the middle of their night.
(called BearlyThere and Invisibear)


Oh I am talking about my huge work walk in freezer haha.

Hilton Double Tree published their “famous” cookie recipe, and I thought I’d give it a try. Last pan is in the oven. Unfortunately, they have to cool for an hour before I can try them. But (unless I messed up the recipe) they should be delicious.

Help. My warrior just got to Dalaran. I was cleaning out my quest log of old quests and accidentally deleted the quest for the Dalaran Hearthstone. Don’t know where to find it as the person is no longer there. Rut roh

Well in my best vrak impersanation you see that would be a game hint how ever we do have these wonderful guides that u can search have you also tried wowhead.

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Ha, jokes on me. I had already received the item and did not even notice it. I abandoned the next quest, which I believe was a breadcrumb? I hope was a breadcrumb? I think it was to take me to Class Hall, which somebody came running after me to give me quest a few seconds after.

Nothing to see here folks


The next quest should be the Class Hall starter. If you abandon that you’ll usually get hounded by an NPC the moment you step foot in Dalaran. :smiley:

They are persistent.


Kinda like Khadgar does every time I enter a class hall on a character who chose NOT to do the Tears of Elune quest chain.


well, if you ever loose it again, the Ledgerman Lounge can supply you with a new one.


Agreed. My son is in the Guard and my daughter is a nurse in one of our local nursing homes. I am very appreciative for all that everyone is doing to help with this crisis.

Thanks! That is what really hurt today. I hadn’t seen my son since his wedding last November and all I could do to was wave to him from across the room. It hurt so much not to be able to hug him.


Not sure how I feel about our state opening gyms, theaters, restaurants, and places of worship on the first.

I think itnis too soon.

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They don’t have a choice. Too many people are impatient and you can’t force these restrictions forever. Pressure from the people will increase slowly.

And the death toll will rise people need to buckle down and suck it up you want the US to end up like china this is how it will happen these buttercups will find out the hard way.


The death toll has to increase in order to convince them to back off.

I personaly believe these tough measures are exactly whats needed The fact that people are willing to expose more people unwilling to covid 19 either in a misguided belief that its a hoax or that there being oppresed when its trying to save them only prooves that sometimes we need to be protected from our own stupidity.


Our shelter-in-place was extended to May 3rd some time back. On the positive side, we have a county dashboard with a lot of information. Our new cases have definitely slowed down to a trickle, so it’s possible that will happen. (Of course, we’ve got a county-level order, and the subsequent state-level that is close enough for no conflict.)

I may be blind to it, but things like going grocery shopping and seeing people, it doesn’t feel like we’ve got the “give me freedom or give me COVID” type. I’m sure some exist, and there were some in Sacramento as well as a couple of SoCal locations. Newsom, the governor, has seemed to me to really have his head screwed on straight and not playing it for politics.

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The problem is that they aren’t enforceable at this point. Law enforcement doesn’t have the people to do it. On top of jails being full enough as is.
Serious enforcement to the letter will not occur unless there’s true civil unrest.
I was talking to a Highway Patrol officer the other day about this.
The government has to let everything reopen for a bit and then close again when the infections spike. That’s how they will make the protesters stop. It’s expected that the majority will eventually side with safety on this.

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I know our police force here in town was reduced to half because of being sick with Covid 19.