[CS Lounge] It's dangerous to go alone, take this!

couldn’t think of a better title…and hoping this works, otherwise i may have to ask Vrak or fezmonkey to help out:

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Lucky guy i was gona go with faveorite video game memory hats off to you Mite want to watch out for the proimity mine in the washroom reference to goldeneye N64.

Stack with proximity mines

A guy would camp at the top with the mine spawns and barricade himself in. All entrances to the top and the rooms themselves would be loaded as tight as possible. Up to the point that he would place too many and the old ones would despawn.
Then someone would figure out how to set them off and the whole top floor would go off. Taking the camper with it.
Great laughs were had.


i don’t get to close out the lounge and open a new one very often, so its something of a rare treat for me. :3

also, never did play Goldeneye all that much…then again, i never had an N64 back then. usually had to rent them, and that was a real hassle, not just because of the “deposit”, but having to lug it to and from the rental store. >.<

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Man that game used to cause some fights.


But proximity shenanigans were the absolute BEST


I updated the post so that the quote was clickable, in case someone needed to see the source post. :slight_smile:


What about you vrak any fond goldeneye memories or video game shinanigans.

Has anyone else who is in isolation/lockdown found that their dreams have become a lot more vivid?

Regnyl is my forever hero for the Zelda One quote

Actualy thats been proven to be happening to alot of people.

My friends and I had some INTENSE Halo 1 MP battles. Capture the Flag on the big Gulch map (Blood Gulch, maybe?). Also the ice map in the shape of a U.

Edit: Looked it up. Blood Gulch and Sidewinder.

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Not related to isolation/quarantine/lockdown specifically, but I’ve found when I take a melatonin to help me sleep, I have really vivid dreams.

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awesome, wasn’t sure how to do that, especially when the previous thread was closed. :sweat_smile:

i find myself tending to have anime style dreams…where i play my own character who rescues Minako from some cretins and brings her back to rest up at his place.

i dunno if anyone’s familiar with Sailor Moon at all here, so…i’ll just stop for now. ._.

i sent a DontRachQuit a gift in ACNH, (someone gave me a ACNH Switch furniture item, and it showed up in my Nookstop, so i bought it and gifted it to her) with the same message, as she too, is a Zelda fan. :laughing:

i do remember one time playing it at a friends house though. i was hiding in the ventilation shafts, and saw someone standing outside, freaked and fired my weapon…needless to say, we both died due to close proximity, and we got a kick out of it. :rofl:

Nothing has changed for me really.

Me too!! I try not to take it much anymore because of that reason, I also sleep in too long and feel lethargic the whole next day.

Cant have a N64 party without mario kart was know as the star guy on sky scrapper 90% of the time i got stars.

I think I’m one of the few that never played it. I didn’t have an N64 at the time. I pretty much went from my Super NES to a computer, which I used to rent the games for, finish them in a weekend and return them. Otherwise, I’ve mostly been on a PC.

Gives u a virtual N64 and invites everyone to school vrak.

That explains why you aren’t glued to the ceiling crazy about FF7 remake.

I saw more people drive off the stage with star power than around the course.