[CS Lounge] It doesnt matter if you fly it matters what u did with your mount

If it scoops for you, it’s worth it.


My cat would have a heart attack! He’s terrified of just about everything :scream_cat:

Thankfully, I’ve got kids who are old enough to take care of the scooping now.


The one I currently have auto scoops and it’s been doing fine for a couple of years. But I’ve been noticing that sometimes lately it isn’t scooping.

So time for an upgrade…

My cat is too… But he does ok with the current litter box. It doesn’t move until like ~20mins after he does his business. So when he hears it start up, he runs over to watch it.

But if someone knocks on the door, or if the microwave makes a loud pop… He’s gone. Bolts and hides.


Interesting. I have been looking at auto scooping systems. The one I have my eye on right now is pretty pricey though.

Glad to hear you have had a few years of success with yours. That is my biggest fear, I buy it and after 6 months it breaks or works poorly

Definitely one of my concerns!

I have a Natures Miracle auto scooping box, and it did pretty good for a while. The rake is a little bit flimsy but served its purpose. Cat litter type is important. Gotta get the fast clumping type.

Either my cat has been dodging the sensor lately or it’s going bad because it hasn’t been scooping as reliably.

Enter, the Litter Robot. Probably one of the more pricey options but I’d seen some good reviews and am currently in a place where I can invest in it. Plus, with the old litter box showing signs of fatigue I figured might as well.

I just got it setup… It has wifi enabled features lol. So now I just wait and see if my cat will bother using it. :crossed_fingers:


I may ping you on this in a few months. The Litter Robot is what I am looking at as well.

Good luck! I hope it works as good as the reviews say.

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Also known as smells bad even when just cleaned. :grin:


pictures a cat on its phone in the litter box “darn wifi is spotty again. need to get hooman to fix it afterwards.”


Maybe put a signal booster in place. Haha


Your cat wants Netflix in the bathroom.


I don’t blame him at all


Remember, you are there for the cat’s amusement and nothing more.


hrm…don’t think i can post pics with my trust level…unless there’s some method to it that i don’t know about? :confused:

edit: just tried and its a no go. ;-; best i can do, is just…type the meme out.

How to negotiate with your cat:

Step 1: give your cat whatever he/she wants.

Step 2: end negotiation.


You don’t own a cat, a cat owns you. We have three and they walk around like they own the place!


too good not too loki related




Welp - looks like the laptop is finally giving out. Every time I try to launch WOW, it enters sleep, no sound.

On the plus side, I have a new PC build going, but on the downside, I think there’s an issue with it. While everything is “supposed” to be compatible, and it does power up, it won’t boot in any way, shape, or form. Maybe CPU. I’m going to have to take it into a local PC shop to have them take a look.


That was awesome. Also is it Wednesday yet? I needs to know

i thought it was “is it Thursday yet?” did they change things around, cause i haven’t watched in forever. kinda lost interest at some point. :confused:

also, learned how to post links outside of wowhead, so i can just use that for future puns and memes if necessary.

That is Critical Role.

I was referring to the new episode of Loki, which comes out on Wednesdays.

The difference between a dog and a cat:

A Dog thinks: “Human, you bring me food and water, you must be God!”
A Cat thinks: "Human, you bring me food and water, I must be God!