[CS Lounge] It doesnt matter if you fly it matters what u did with your mount

Oh wait, there isn’t? I thought you only got the pet cap removed once you hit 1000 unique pets?

I thot it was removed completlt in 9.1


managed to get 9hrs of sleep last night…(minus the “waking up” in the middle of the night, then falling back asleep part), got some coffeh going, working on my Monk, making final preparations before saving up the funds to faction changing him over.

puts out fresh coffee, tea, timbits, baked sweets/goods, and cold drinks


Even though it’s two day after my birthday, I am gonna go over to my sister’s house and celebrate it with the family today.


Hope it goes well and everyone stays safe.

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Happy belated birthday!

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It doesn’t mention that you need a certain number of unique pets.


They don’t mention it either. If there was one I think this group would know it.


Well after yesterday’s drama the weekend cook didnt show up today. No phone call. No text.

Guess that answers that question huh?


We’re shooting for a high of 72 today. It’s soooo nice outside; a little humid, but when it’s this cool, I can live. The windows are open, the air conditioning is off, and I’m just savoring it. I might even go play some disc golf in a bit, just to get out and enjoy it.

Had to help the neighbor get her internet working again after the outage. A quick reset of her router and she’s back in business.

its about 73 here…so looking forward to the cooler months.

Soccer soccer football something :soccer:

Hope you’ve all been having a good weekend :slight_smile:


Congrats to the sports-team that won the sports-game that they were competitively playing in order to win that sports-game. To the loosing team, I’m sorry your game didn’t go as sporty as you were hoping.

Go sports!!!

/puts out Timbits for everyone who was routing for one of the teams to win


Fun Fact: We can see players online change across various games during the world cup. In the past it has raised alarms until we realized Europe just really likes their matches :laughing:


hears an Olé, Olé, Olé chant

helps himself to some of his fav timbits and plops down in a recliner with the AC on


Uhm, when did my Hunter make this agreement?

Of course, doing Korthia & the Maw as Alliance I must be wishing to die (over & over), lol.


Nope, no Olé, Olé, Olé chant as it was England vs. some European team. England won 1-0. How people can get so excited about at least a 90 minute game with that low a score I have no idea. But, to each their own.

Same people that would riot over a hockey game.

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Gah i feel dirty dealing with the silarians in mass effect 3 there like the ferengi of mass effect.

it’s a minor thing, but if you are a hunter and use the /dance emote, your pets should dance with you too.

Just saying…




New litter box for the cat is arriving today. I should not be as excited about this as I am… but I hope it’s worth it :grimacing: :cat: