[CS Lounge] Is it dangerous to go alone into the Shadowlands?

Soooooo… can we beat on Nate-o daily? Please say we can…


What color is his icon? I haven’t been in game yet.

If it’s like any other world quest, he probably respawns as expected, loot just drops on a specific time frame.

Most people just want to slaughter him. Without remorse.

I may or may not be one of those people.


yeah, so that way we can say “and Nate-o is a daily-o.”

tbf, he’s one of those NPC’s that I hope becomes a loot-pinata someday…honestly, i was half expecting Nate to be like the 2nd last boss in the final raid content for SHL. xP

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I woke up too late to get started on the dailies.

He’s a world boss. And it’s a world quest to kill him.

I just really, really, REALLY dislike him.


It’s mainly because he’s just so smug, condescending, and unlikeable.


Ya know, Nathanos never really bothered me like that.

Tirion Fordring, on the other hand, was a whole different thing. I despised his smug & condescending tones & took great pleasure in watching him die at the hands of the Legion. He is the sole reason I never enable dialog in ICC or ToC.

Was #2 successful in getting you sick?

Yeah. And Dauth.

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Sorry to hear.

Setting up my chrome cast. My yt TV and yt accounts on two different emails so hopi g it is not an issue. Also hopi g I will be able to broadcast twitch from my phone to TV. Right now the PS4 is the only way j can. And that is in living room. Not quarantine room.

Wife’s test came back negative. Makes me happy. At least for now it is negative. Time will tell if it stays that way.


tbf, a lot of people dislike him. he just has this persona of a evil villian that you want to see perish at the hands of heroes.

it also doesn’t help that his head is stuck up Sylvy’s backside either.

praying that it stay negative. my asthma’s been kicking up again for the first time in a while…doesn’t help that the “Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour” (codename for "you-know-what) also has coughing and difficulty breathing either.

in my case, its coughing and wheezing, but some…may not see it that way. :worried:

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It’s been forty five years since the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

And a big storm rolling through the area tonight, too. Fortunately, nothing like what happened in ‘75. I can’t even imagine trying to navigate through 35’ waves. She sank less than twenty miles from safety.


Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot


I first read that as Ella, not Edmund.

I’ll look into sending Felbug after Alvie and hold her down for Felmoo.


This is my goblin that ive been talking about that couldnt post w/o losing trust but thats doesnt seem to be a issue at the moment Peace and love Darthwraith.

For Kazan!

During the Naked Gnome run we should raid Gnomeregan. Just to demonstrate that Goblins are superior.

As it’s Remembrance Day, but I’ll almost certainly be sleeping at 11 AM…


A very Remembrance Day song.

I created this toon as a joke since gnomes couldnt be hunters at the time and and used to say im goblin that hunts gnomes.

Ho hum. Made it through all of three hours of the Beyond Light campaign in Destiny 2 before finally deciding to stop forcing myself through it. Seems with every expansion it gets less and less solo-friendly.

Now just to sit back on my laurels and wait for the rest of the fireteam to get it and catch up.

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