[CS Lounge] Is it dangerous to go alone into the Shadowlands?

That was my BE warlock until last month. Used the Shadowlands boost and changed her to that for the outfit.

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Happy Armistice Day!

102 years ago, The Allied powers signed a ceasefire agreement with Germany at Rethondes, France, at 11:00 a.m. on November 11, 1918, bringing the war now known as World War I to a close.

May we never see that madness ever again.


A sound team used a “graphic record,” created by recording the intensity of sound to photographic film, to create an audio record of the last minutes of the war. It’s an amazing impression of what the moment was like.


got Dark Iron unlocked. all that’s left is Trolls v2.0, Borg Gnomes and Furbies. heritage armor wise, i’m thinking Dark Iron, and Light Forged for Alliance, and possibly Highmountain and Mag’har for Horde.

though i’m also kinda leaning towards core races at some point.

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I’m looking forward for tomorrow morning. Finally getting the PlayStation 5 as it launches tomorrow! Already all paid for. Just need to pick it up along with the games I reserved with it. :smiley:

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I just finished getting the Heritage Armor for my Vulparen. Allied races completed!



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Between last night and today just before work I was able to get one kill each on the rares.


The Sewer Beast scales to you now. It no longer hunts down lowbies in the canals of Stormwind.


strange. its telling me a name is available, but when i make a character with said name, i’m told its “not available”. :confused:

Depending on the name, it may be reserved for a future storyline, or against naming conventions, or even held by a level 1 character.

that’s just it. i put it in, and the little checkmark pops up, that tells you “this name is available.” when you mouse over it. usually its an ‘x’ that says “this name is unavailable.”

i’m not too worried about it, i found another name i can hold onto for the time being…least until i can get some things squared away financially.

Realy should do the pre patch but think id rather do asasins creed valhalla glad im gona wait on the ps5 somone got it early and due to some massive bugs its a expensive paperweight.


Need to learn to stop alt-tabbing while I wait for the rare spawns. I’ve managed to miss the last three in a row.

Or set a repeating twenty-minute timer…


Heh, me too. Me too.

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Egg timer

I used the in-game stop watch to keep track of time while I flipped through my phone.

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Bur was your eggs done when the timer dinged?

I feel old. Ronald Weasley has welcomed baby Wednesday into the world.

As my eight year old self said: “If you’re older than 34…”


Phone auto-correct?