Unfortunately dont want vrak to be cut in half when he has to put out the fires thats coming tommorow lol.
I am a niners fan.
Also Folk says hi haha
Hope you all having a great evening. Under a heavy snowfall warning here where I live. Supposed to get 15-25cm of snow here tonight with 10cm more tomorrow.
Winter is officially here.
Will take a lot more than that just to take down one of the flys.
The pork loin I made yesterday went well with dad. He’s very picky about his roasts. Still have about half left over.
Our high here is supposed to be 22C (71.6f) today. I’ve been in shorts and a t-shirt for like 5 days now…in November!! Yet last Monday it snowed. Crazy weather right now, but I’ll take it.
so i made a mistake in making a purchase. didn’t realize the server my alt is on, is connected to the server my main is on. @_@
hoping it can be fixed, but if not…well c’est la vie.
on a side note, i’ve now managed to unlock Highmountain Tauren, Nightborne Elves and Mag’har Orcs. actually thinking of trying to get one of each to 50 for their heritage armor.
i wasn’t big on it before, but some of this stuff is starting to look pretty appealing to me now. .-.
Finishing my binge of the power spin off.
I need me more episodes. Alas I am all caught up. Need to find a new series I can binge the next few days.
Also thinking of picking up Bill and Ted face the music today.
I mean I love the other two. Why not right?
wait, is there no way to close or cancel ticket requests now? i found a proper way to request said refund, but now i don’t see a way to close out my first ticket. ._.
Kinda wish i had finsihed lvling all the allied races while we still had the exp buff but oh well.
yeah, starting to think i should’ve done that as well. i mean, its not overly difficult, just…time consuming. xP
sadly the only class i really know how to play is a Hunter, though part of me wants to try another class, i’m still not very comfortable outside my “niche”.
I did DK for easy lvling.
yeah, i still haven’t preordered SHL yet. ;-; funds are a bit limited atm…so i really shouldn’t have made that purchase earlier.
Not gonna lie. I laughed.
Valhalla is so amazing looks like skyrim its that good.
Leveling is crazy fast right now. It feels faster than with the XP buff. I’m currently just into level 49, and have definitely been lollygagging, and my /played time is 40 hours, 20 minutes (the only dungeons I’ve run were the end of zone dungeons).
Compare that with dungeon healing 20-110, at 48 hours (and to be fair, I probably did a lot of slacking there, too).
I killed Nate! And i got a spear. Argle Bargle. I killed him on my horde hunter and did get a gun. Someone said to go to your loot spec and physically chose the one you want, not the generic one. I seemed to work on my hordie but could also be a fluke. My just hit 50 pally replaced a 60 weapon with a 115.
I wonder if the people not getting loot just fly out and kill him? There is a bread crumb quest. Some people are impatient and rush to the end.
hence why i’m avoiding the pre-patch event entirely. because people in this game can be extremely hostile for next to no reason. though even low lvl dungeons are a bit brutal to run, especially if you have an impatient or squishy tank. (though some mobs hitting for WAY more than they should doesn’t help either. .-.)