[CS Lounge] I will roll, roll through the gates of Torghast

Not sure how I feel that my first time trying poutine, I’ve made it myself. I feel like I maybe should’ve have tried it somewhere where they actually know how to make it. I mean… I think it’s really good, but I have no frame of reference. I’m afraid I’m going to eventually discover that this isn’t what poutine is supposed to taste like.

Edit - The roommates who watched me, start to finish, make the poutine without ever mentioning that they know how to do it, have now informed me that there was nowhere near enough cheese curds and the gravy was the wrong consistency.


Bummer, wish you well in finding a suitable place that isn’t too far above what you were currently paying and still within a good range of where you work.

Also, thanks for the recipes that have been posted. I will peruse them when I get the chance.

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Hey, you enjoyed yourself. That’s all that matters. :slight_smile:

That said, now you get to add more curds and a different gravy and see how that compares!


Work has come way too soon this morning. I am hurting. My stomach is super upset and my legs feel like mush.

Today is going to be a very long day


Curfews are playing havoc with our store hours. Friday night, we stopped taking orders around 6:30 and started cancelling existing orders at 7:00. Last night, we stopped accepting orders at 7:00 and were ‘officially’ closed at 8:00. Much confusion and irritation from drivers that don’t understand that the curfew orders specifically say that travel directly between work and home is permitted while the curfew is in effect. They thought they should be allowed to leave early so they could be home by 8:00.

Upper management has authorized overtime, and has taken the position that everyone is required to be at work today whether or not they’re scheduled, but didn’t provide any specific guidance about when to show up, or how long to stay. I told everyone at my store who wasn’t scheduled they could stay home if they wanted to. Zero arms needed to be twisted.

Closers, like me, are strongly encouraged to come in early, but they haven’t yet decided what time we’ll be closing tonight. Personally, I don’t want to go in early for them to then decide we’re back to COVID hours so that I get stuck working a ten or twelve hour shift.

It’s frustrating that the decision-makers are like deer in the headlights. They can’t adapt to rapidly evolving situations, and they certainly aren’t filtering any of those decisions to the grunts in the trenches.


They never do, until the last second.

It’s a tough call - people need the money, so you want/need to go in. But getting stuck working 10-12 hours, in what would probably be a super-stressful situation stinks. I’ve done it more often than I’d care to admit. Come in to work for my 8-5 shift, the closing manager never shows. Call them, they say “I told you I needed the day off.” Um… no, you didn’t. So you’re stuck closing, too.

Breakfast today was a new find for me - Sausage Ball Waffles:

1/4 lb breakfast sausage
1/4 lb cheese
1/2 c biscuit mix (I didn’t have any, so I used pancake mix, which was perfect)
Combine all ingredients. Separate into equal portions, smash to about 1/2 inch thick patties, cook on waffle iron or a sandwich press. Absolutely amazing! I think next time, I might add a bit of maple syrup for a little something “extra.”


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Good morning all! Hope you’re having a comfortable weekend :slight_smile:


I’m using the exp buff to level a mechagnome. I am getting real tired of seeing Moonkin multiboxers. I saw 1 in Azuna yesterday. I had reported that one a month ago on another character. I saw one in Highmountain. I saw two groups so far today in Drustvar. It’s hard when they shut down a quest zone by tagging all the mobs. I have to log on and do the quillboars but I don’t feel like trying to grab one if I am lucky. :unamused:


Not only did I find out on Friday that I may end up moving in the next month or so but I found out last night that my friend’s MIL is about to go into the hospital. They are losing it.
I also had about 4 or 5 hours of sleep.

Not so bad yet. It’s quiet in my neck of the woods, so I’ve got that going for me. And it’s a beautiful day, so I’ll take my dog to the dog park for a little play time and a swim, which will make her
a: happy
b: a bit stinky. Wet dog. Eew. :laughing:

Hope your day is going well. Coffee’d up?

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Not a big coffee person, but I’ve had my breakfast and my AC is working again which is a big :+1:


How is the water heater? Did I miss an update?

Today will be a decent day for me to know how the spray insulation is working. I suspect it will have been worth it.

… so the smell from the water heater went away on its own right after my final tool part got delivered. So… it’s on my to-do list still but it’s lower in priority since the rotten egg smell is gone.



i know how you feel. its even worse in Classic, but mostly cause the only shared tagging, is Party/Raid group tagging.

doesn’t help when you’re trying to find help in questing and everyone’s either going it alone, or you’re in a zone with nothing but multiboxers.


Anyone here a master with the Underlight Angler? I just earned mine for the first time, and got some artifact power. But I can’t select traits at my artifact forge. If I equip the artifact weapon, the forge is active for that. But not if I have the Underlight Angler equipped.

Do I need the dreaded UI reset? Do I need to complete my class hall campaign?

You use the fountain in Dalaran I think. It’s been awhile.


so i’ve been wondering about something we don’t seem to get mvp tags in topics anymore does that happen in the new forums

Not currently, no. An MVPs post will be green in the thread but there will be no indication on the topic title that an MVP has responded.

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