[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

I don’t actually remember when I turned up. I think I just missed Belfaire.

Pic of my werewolves I just finished painting like at 3am.


Oh, I think he would say that to some of us…now haha

I probably started lurking in Cata, but got a bit more active once I started working third shifts during WoD. I’ve never really been chatty anywhere but the Lounge (mainly because I’m too slow in responding to posts, y’all beat me to the answers almost every time), but I do enjoy this forum. I see lots of names that I’ve “known” for years (RB, Teuf, Mer, Perl, that other silly gnome, etc.).

And Thunder - those wolves are very well-done. I’ve never added the textures to bases - but I can see it adds to the appearance. And I’ve never stayed up way too late painting (nope. Never. Would never dream of it!).

And it appears I’ve drank all the coffee. Perhaps I may make another pot, but I’m definitely not sharing!


I’d already been active on my primary realm forum (RP realm forums were most excellent in late vanilla and TBC). I might remember it wrong, but I believe I found my way over to CS trying to find an answer to a question someone on the realm forum asked.

I got the answer I was looking for, but saw a question with 0 replies that I knew an answer to, and replied. There were a lot more threads back then that would sit with 0 replies, and I just kind of started looking for those and trying to find the answers if I didn’t know them already.


maybe not say it cuz he is amazing but i’m sure he was thinking it lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I did that quite a bit. It bothers me if there’s no reply.


Mail call! Just got a new shave soap and aftershave set - “Margaritas in the Arctic.” It smells just like a margarita, and a bit of menthol to cool off while I’m shaving.

I shave with a safety razor, with a brush and soap. A great part of my morning routine. Plus, some of the soaps and aftershaves smell AMAZING.

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Honest Officer it’s just my shaving cream. :cocktail:

It’s coolish today (72 and no humidity) so I have a crock pot of chili simmering. It smells wonderful. Going to have garlic bread to go with. Will have some addins like chopped fresh onions and grated cheese to go on top. :bowl_with_spoon:


Garlic bread with chili? I’d probably choose cornbread.

But I love garlic bread, so I wouldn’t argue. :smiley:

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Started in Wrath.

I had weird hours as I was overseas. I was impressed by the helpfulness of the community here. I decided to stick around.

You’re another one I recognize!

And yeah - the regulars in this forum are probably the friendliest and most helpful bunch in the forums.

now THAT’S something i haven’t had in ages past.

i actually made something new last night. spread some Garlic Aioli mayo on a slice of bread, placed some sweet pickle slices onto it, and toasted it in the toaster oven. was pretty tasty, not gonna lie.

may try it again after payday, with some shredded cheddar cheese as well, see how that goes. :yum:

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My garlic cheese bread recipe involves mayo, butter, mozzarella, cheddar, and (of course) garlic. Interestingly enough, it calls for more cheddar than mozzarella.

But your little snack sounds yummy!

I was about to post about what I’m making. :joy:

I can’t eat tomatoes anymore, but I desperately missing spaghetti in marinara sauce. Right now, I’m roasting peppers a sauce based on roasted red bell peppers that my partner found online to see if it can be adapted for my marinara sauce recipe.

I’ve got to get a feel for the flavor profile before I can really start thinking about adaptations, but I already supect that it’ll need a lot more garlic, basil, and oregano.

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No tomatoes? That’s horrible. I use tomatoes so much, especially in cooked dishes - chili, pasta, I have a couple casseroles that use tomatoes… Jeez. I’d go bonkers.

Let us know how the sauce works out. If it’s good, I’d love to try it.

And all three of those are vital in Italian dishes. Which brings up another point - remember, tomatoes were unknown until they were discovered in the New World, so pasta doesn’t really need tomato sauce.

Just made bean soup with Grilled Pepper Jack Cheese sandwiches.

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Yes. Spaghetti has long been one of my favorite foods.

No citric acid either (hence home-roasting the peppers instead of canned), no caffeine (… I cheat horribly on this one) and no other nommy things… :frowning:

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i kinda got the idea from Pickle Pizza that i had a while back, and decided to try something along that line.

which makes me wonder if that little sandwich shop is open again, now that things are starting to reopen once more. :confused:

No caffeine either? I assume I would survive without my coffee in the morning, but I just can’t picture it. Even decaf has some caffeine. I’d probably cheat a little, too.