[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

I used to duel our Holy Paladin outside of Kara on raid night. Once I got a bunch of shards I’d drain mana him and win the duel.


Or someone else - I remember giving them to others many times in raids or dungeons.

Stay up all night leveling…

or go to bed.

I wish I had time for leveling, but trying to make gold has taken precedence over that at the moment.

I managed a level and a half before the urge to lay on the couch overwhelmed me. Will try again after a ‘nap’.


Well, an aide that has been in the business for 25 years thanked me today and was very happy with the work I did on my second day of training. She said this is the first time in months she is going home without her back hurting as i was able to offer some muscle for the ladies on the hall with a few difficult residents tonight.

That made me both smile and be happy.


3am and I’m finished painting a full werewolf warband for Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes. Feels good to finish a project. :slight_smile:

But I need to be up at 6:30am to runs some errands…


I know Im basically a lurker and never comment much but I just wanted to send ehugs and if you ever need to vent let me know… I’ve been in your position and can understand how you must me feeling <3


Some of the regular posters started that way. Some of us were bolder and just jumped right in. Everyone is welcome in the Lounge. Pillow fort is off to the side. Watch out for the Gnomes swimming in the coffee.


Don’t forget the Vulpera!


We’ll need a bigger pot.


/puts out fresh coffeh, tea, cold drinks, and baked goods/sweets

forget the what now? :stuck_out_tongue:

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The first sign of getting older is memory … ummm… memory …

What were we talking about again?

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well i DID just turn 40 back in Apr, so there’s that. :laughing:

bacon? bacon.

Also don’t drink their swimming coffee. They get mad and bite you. All hopped up on caffeine and whatnot.


Ok joking aside, waking up today and I feel it. Oh do I feel it. At 101 hours this work period. with 2 days to go. Last pay period was 106. Pay periods are two weeks

I think I can I think I can I think i can


I’ve been a lurker since…TBC? I think lol my work hours are so all over the place but the forums are my guilty pleasure while I’m there lol

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I really forgot!

I would prowl the forums during maintenance in Vanilla and TBC. Mainly CS, Tech and Bug Reports. Occasionally I would post in General Discussion. I used my main back then.

RB came about because of a GD nonsense thread. A Gnome Warrior said she wouldn’t attend the picnic because someone would dress her in frillies and call her Princess Rufflebottom. So I made Rufflebottom. If you search for it, all but two are mine.


I started as a lurker back in TBC too. I had actually posted because I couldn’t find a sword I had recently received. Turned out I had equipped a different sword and the one I was looking for was just hiding in plain sight in my bags.

Pretty sure it was Vrak who took a look and was like ‘It’s right there dummy’…okay, he’d never say that, but that’s how I felt!