[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

Two monsters a day is certainly cheating. >_>

Though I’ve started cutting back after my doc looked at me with disappointment in his eyes. One a day starting today.


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I used to be all over the place never realy posted anywhere usefull then i migrated over here and has been a ocasional thorn in kal and vrak side unintentionaly a few times.

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For a while the gas station next to my work had Monster Javas 2 for $4. So I’d buy two, and drink them both at work. That was WAY too much. So I switched to buying 2, but only drinking one a day. A little better, but I’d still go from jittery to crash too quick. Now I’m down to about 20 oz coffee a day, 3-4 days a week.

It’s really hard to wean yourself off caffeine, not to mention Monsters. Good luck!

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Since everyone else here was having something different for dinner, I decided to follow along and make what I wanted for dinner – breakfast. Even broke out my “fancy” plate, lol.

Pic of dinner


OMG! I have the same pattern!


Okay, that got a right good chuckle outta me. Thanks!


The news has me depressed today.

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Here’s the recipe that I found: https://www.foodsofjane.com/recipes/roasted-red-pepper-pasta-sauce

Here’s what I thought after having it:

Oh, and because you can’t see my Google Keep entry, just skip the cheese and use standard parmesan. I already removed that from the recipe. :rofl:

If you’re starting from fresh peppers like I did, 4 is just not enough. That said, the red bell pepper taste was not nearly as overwhelming as I was expecting. The biggest real issue that I encountered - aside from the lack of peppers - was that the sauce and pasta both cooled down since the pasta was done before the peppers were quite ready to puree, and then the sauce cooled down while being pureed and then especially with adding the cream to it.


The news has me depressed this year.


Ok day 11 or 12 in the books almost. I honestly have lost track at this point.

I am at about 110 hours for this 2 week pay period.

I am tired. Itnis starting to catch up to me haha.


It’s my Friday. I think I shall have a drink tonight while playing Borderlands 3 after work.
Got an hour and a half left.

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It’s my Sunday. My roommates don’t seem to appreciate how hard life is when you have to get up at the crack of 3… or 4. PM.

the first game i worked on released last week.

i still remember when i was a baby elf and Papa V and Decky would cheer me on as I fought my way into the industry

hi hello


Hey Alvie. Missed you. :heart:


Which one…a LOT of games come out every week.

The good one, of course!


i prefer Rockstar more than Monster, but that’s just me. .-.

the gas station near me, typically has the giant cans of Rockstar, 2/$7 which isn’t too bad, considering the small cans are usually $3 (not including tax and deposit)

i may venture over that way tomorrow or at some point on the weekend.

If it is the one I think it is, which I am pretty sure it is, I cannot wait to dive into it.

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Hello! Hope you’re well!

And congratulations! Glad to hear about the game.


Yup gonna need to talk to staffing. I am hurting. Not like I am super tired hurting. My muscles are physically hurting and they need a break. They are at the point of exhaustion now. Going out to breakfast with the family and grandma. Then they are off to the Amish Farms for some candy and an experience for our children. I will be off to home to sleep some more before work. Day, I dunno lost count haha

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