[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

I actually just finished Cuteaclysm. Now it’s time to get Ultratonk and Drudge Ghoul.

But first, I need to clean up my pets. I’ve never pared it down from when all the pets were merged from each character to account-wide. That’s going to be a monster endeavor.

I definitely have an extra Drudge Ghoul. I ran ICC a few times on normal for the pet. I figured it was better odd than trying for the mount on heroic.

I marked one of each pet and any others I was keeping as a Favorite and sorted with favorites at the top. Then all the ones I was going to cage or delete (non-cagable) were all at the bottom.

I need the rare valkyr pet that spawns in ice crown its suposed to help with the aqir mount pet battle.

It’s not all that rare any more. It’s got fixed spawn points in Northrend and it’s up a lot of the time I’ve looked for it.


Good to know only thing holding me back.

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yeah, i managed to find one as well as a Minifernal in Felwood. those two have been eluding me for years.

though i managed to snag them on an RP server, where zones aren’t as heavily populated as they are on Normal servers. knocks on wood

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So then you’re an Altoholic.

Only if you call having 50 characters on one account, plus a bunch on two others, an Altaholic. I could quit the alts any time I want to. I swear. The ones in Classic don’t count. I haven’t played that since I got my Tauren Druid to level 20.

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Doesn’t someone here have more than you?

Likely. I’m only a small-time Altaholic. I haven’t filled out my RaF or EU accounts yet.

That’s more progress than Dicey. She still hasn’t grown out of her Gnome stage yet.

That’s a super-useful pet. You use it in a lot of pet battles.

And the trick isn’t really getting one - it’s getting a rare quality one. But at least there are the stones you can use on whichever one you catch.


meanwhile, on Classic i play one class for a day or more, then switch to another. this repeats numerous times, till i start to feel burned out. >.<

Im not much of a pet battler more of a lover and collector but if i want the mount gota catchem all.

I go through checking mail and mission tables. I see how close the character is to leveling/reputation/paragon, or I need to farm war resources/ore/herbs, and away I go. I just got my 5th 120 on my EU account.

honestly at the rate i’m going i may get a character to lvl 60 by the time Blizz releases Wrath Classic servers. :laughing:

but no, in all honesty i’m starting to realize inventory management is extremely important, but ESPECIALLY so for Hunters and Warlocks. @_@

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I actually kind of liked having to carry ammo for my hunter, in a strange, sado-massochistic way. And of course, I always had way more than I needed.

And the massive pet management is done. I found two pets that I still have four of. And the only way that could happen, was when the pets merged from per character to per account. So it was overdue.

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Never really had an issue with soul shards on my warlock. In fact, I sort of had an addiction in collecting them. I always had to have more… >.>

Ohh i like that not only is keaton playing batman hes playing his batman from batman returns not the new batman.

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yeah, i need to remember to carry some spare ammo/arrows just in case i run short midway through a dungeon. its happened one too many times now, but i also try to upgrade my quiver/ammo pouch whenever i can anyway.

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