Happy Monday!
I would like some redbull
ohhh, what i would give for a Rockstar right about now. >.< Fri cannot come soon enough.
How about a Tauren covered in red paint, or on fire, or both?
I should have expected this…
That’s because people expect me to offer a Gnome.
i’m craving a burger for some reason.
considering it came from Mer…yes. yes you should’ve.
gnome deep fried in a bisquick style batter, then dunked in General Tao sauce. its delectable.
Like the old Roadrunner cartoons. Set an expectation and then break it.
You can’t see him. He’s a rogue hiding up in a tree pretending to be an apple.
Guess whos back
I don’t want to go to work. Bleh. That said, excited to start the new phase of my training. Today the books are down and floor training begins. But I am in a mood today. I don’t like it when people intentionally go out of their way to push buttons trying to get a reaction and just keep pushing when I don’t give the reaction they want. BAH
Buzzed the sides and back of my hair again (only takes about 1-2 weeks for it to get shaggier than I like), but I missed one small chunk in the back. But because I shower right after, I ‘have to’ wait another day to buzz it off, and I have to remember to do so before I shower. So it’s still there. Not that anyone would see and notice, as I typically have a hat on when I go out.
At least they’re easier to spot and not react to, even making it into an internal game that I win when I don’t react. The folk who bump a button entirely by accident I feel for, because the randomness of their bumbling around and hitting it is more likely to have surprised a reaction out of me.
Let me rephrase. People in my home that pledged for better or worse in sickness and in health.
Those people should not be trting to intentionally push buttons for an argument.
From what I have read here, you seemed okay at home til the lockdown. Too much closeness? None of my business anyways.
I got my second shingles shot. Whoo boy did that knock me down. It feels sore like a Tetanus shot because it’s in the muscle but wow. Everything hurt, even my teeth. I had a stabbing head pain for 3 days like and ice pick in the head. Total fatigue. It’s worth it I guess because I have heard horror stories of Shingles.
Shingles ain’t no joke. Both of my grandmothers had shingles at some point in their lives, and they both had a lot to say about it. I think I’m going to check with my doctor about it on my annual physical.
i had that back in '08. was quite surprised about it honestly…though i had appendicitis in the summer and some wisdom teeth extracted in Dec. about a week later, i received word that a friend of mine passed away. (we both started our orientation at Walmart on the same day, and while we worked in different depts, we still knew each other quite well)
needless to say, it was a bit too much, and i guess after the two minor surgeries, my body was just weak enough for me to get shingles.
I honestly don’t know. Things got really bad rwally fast. I would give ANYTHING to save it though. Problem is, not sure she feels the same at this point.
But I am still home and I have my kids with me every single day so I will take what I can get.
I could elaborate. A lot. But it is not appropriate for the forums.
Thoughts and e-hugs for you, best I can offer.
Ran around doing Midsummer fires on my 60 in WOW Classic, though I haven’t done the dungeon ones and don’t plan on doing the opposite faction city ones.
While up in Winterspring I turned in that weird last step of the Eranikus chain, the one that always felt like there should be more, and there never was. Not sure where I read it, but I vaguely remember some comment (probably Cata era when the entire quest list was redone) that there were some quests in vanilla that were never found by anyone. I kind of miss that sense of wonder, that maybe there was some drop or some NPC to talk to that no one else had yet done.
(Of course, the moment one person knows and posts it, that’s gone … kind of like games with walkthroughs telling you all the secrets. Which seems to be the modern gaming experience.)
Can someone go kick the random number generator? I need one pet to finish Raiding with Leashes V: Cuteaclysm. And of course, it’s the last boss on the most difficult to reach raid (Blackwing Descent) - at least for Horde.
Edit: Okay - Dragon Soul was probably worse to get to.
And don’t get me started with Raiding with Leashes IV. I had to take a break from that one.
What ones do you need? I have duplicates of most. I have one guild bank almost full of level 1 pets and another almost full of level 25 pets.
I don’t have a pet problem. With so many alts I end up getting a few extra. Regularly. Not all on the same character. Maybe.