[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

Yeah I have a line haha. And it has moved closer to normal the last few weeks. Once I get moving I will be fine.

It is why I dkk t like taking breaks on my doubles. Breaks my momentum

Theres a thin line between sanity and insanity and weve all crossed that.

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Easily viewable in your rear-view mirror. :crazy_face:


Soloed 3 bosses and now the cloak is rank 12, 3 more to go.

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But objects my apear more blurry the closer you are from it oh wait thats the eye doctor i know that shoud be further but i stand by it.

Just finished getting my 18th character to level 120. I’m hoping to get all my characters to level 120 before Shadowlands. If I don’t get distracted with pet battles, fishing, or farming.

I haven’t decided yet how many I will do the legendary cloak on yet. I’ve been alternating playing my main license and my EU license. I still need to delete/transfer a character from my main account to make a Vulpera.

That’s the 18th 120 on my main account. I have five on my EU account. Still no Mollie. On either.


Got coaxed into installing Retail and making an alt for some leveling hijinks with folks in one of my Classic guilds. Somehow got further coaxed into doing a BG with some of them (at levels 15-19 in our group).

I’m definitely still on the Classic-only side of the fence. Some of those guildies plan to go all in on Shadowlands, but I’ll pass. About the only reason I’ve thought about using the free Retail access with my Classic sub is to try out multi-boxing (adding four starter accounts).

Sanity is a lie. Ask a lawyer.

Or a retail worker.


I ride it like Tony Hawk in 2001 :skateboard:


So tomorrow, Thunder Stormies for everyone?

Trying to decide whether to do dinner, or just munch on chips and guac. Full disclosure, if I do dinner, I’m still gonna munch on the chips and guac later.

I made a double batch and doctored the recipe by adding a habañero to the usual jalapeño. I let the housemates know of the improvement, which guarantees I won’t have to share. :hot_face: :yum: :hot_pepper: :avocado:


yeah, i’m still on the fence about getting Shadowlands. i don’t see myself playing Standard anytime soon, as i’ve mostly kept to Classic…though even now, i’ve taken another sabbatical.

can only afford to pay for one MMO at a time, and honestly, i made my choice, and i stand by it. .-.

It’s a lovely evening here, cooler than it’s been for a while, a few clouds. So, let’s go for a nice walk to wind down the day.

There’s a few people out walking or jogging. There’s a beautiful sunset. The dog and I are enjoying the evening.

Then… BOOM! BOOM! Some nitwit is setting off fireworks a couple blocks over. Onyx decides she’s DONE, and tries booking it for home. Of course, she’s still leashed, and wearing a harness. So we head home, taking the shortest route possible. Even though the fireworks stopped pretty quickly, she’s still trying to get home as fast as possible. Whereupon she hid under the computer desk for a while, and is now in her “safe space.” Poor girl. She just hates fireworks. Thunder? Not a problem at all.

It’s go time. Go home time haha.


So we did D&D tonite I so butchered the rules but who cares they had fun my sister is taking the players handbook and gona read it and get a better grasp then i could so we can do it right. THe great thing about D&D is the replayability.


You should play Paranoia (is that even available still?) if you want to play with the rules. The player rules are less than 50 pages, with lots of artwork - players are not encouraged to know much about the rules.

“Picture a world designed by Stalin, Kafka, Orwell, and the Marx Brothers.” Aptly put. And the best quote you can use during post-mission debrief? “I speak without fear of contradiction.” Yeah, because everyone else is dead (at the hand of “Friend Computer” or your own).

Good times indeed.

This was just to test the water to see if wed like it.

I think they did that too hot thing already last year; remember they live in the future.


Nice to see server up early.

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